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JP fired up!!!

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I have never bashed Reed, you, VA constantly bash JP and assume that it's his problem. Don't lecture me or anyone on constant bashing being boring.


I simply stated that the body language after the initial-both-looking-at-each-other-mad-cuz-you-did-the-wrong-thing, Reed seemed to take the criticism that JP offered.

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I have never bashed Reed, you, VA constantly bash JP and assume that it's his problem.  Don't lecture me or anyone on constant bashing being boring.


I simply stated that the body language after the initial-both-looking-at-each-other-mad-cuz-you-did-the-wrong-thing, Reed seemed to take the criticism that JP offered.


I said


"Only problem will be if they go to the film room today and the coaches scold JP for throwing the wrong route. Then Reed may lose some respect for JP being a dumb ass."


I never said JP screwed up. I never bashed him. But until we know the truth let's not bash either. In fact I have given JP his props. So chill the !@#$ out.

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Maybe we'll know later in the week.  The look on Reeds face didn't seem like he screwed up, and looked unhappy with JP.  Maybe the coaches will come out and say something.



Here your basic assumption is that JP did something wrong.


Do you think the coaches will come out and say something? Really? Pin your hopes on the team, not on your presuppositional opinions on one of the players.

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Here your basic assumption is that JP did something wrong. 


Do you think the coaches will come out and say something?  Really?  Pin your hopes on the team, not on your presuppositional opinions on one of the players.


Wow, you are reading way too much into everything. You really need to lighten up. What are you about 7? If I scowl at you you gonna cry? :doh::doh:

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yeah, sure, because a 7 year old would know what presuppositional opinions are ...


I only read into your statement because most of what you have posted before this does not need to be disected to come to this conclusion. Why are you surprised that someone reads this into your statement. If that wasn't your point, I apologize. Your statements just ring true with what you've been saying for way too long.

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Wow, you are reading way too much into everything.  You really need to lighten up.  What are you about 7?  If I scowl at you you gonna cry?  :doh:  :doh:


Now, come on, VA. You're on record multiple times as saying that the Bills made a mistake letting Drew go, perhaps not in those exact words, but I'm sure everyone here will agree that your tone has been unabashedly pro-Drew and anti-JP all off-season. Now you're getting on people for "reading way too much" into your "what if JP made the mistake" post?


Perhaps I missed the post where you admit that JP played well yesterday. It might have given your comment about the JP-Reed skirmish more credibility.

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yeah, sure, because a 7 year old would know what presuppositional opinions are ...


I only read into your statement because most of what you have posted before this does not need to be disected to come to this conclusion.  Why are you surprised that someone reads this into your statement.  If that wasn't your point, I apologize.  Your statements just ring true with what you've been saying for way too long.


And if you have read what I wrote for the last two days you would know I was very happy with JP's play. I wasn't trying to have anyone read into it. I was just annoyed that everyone was patting JP on the back, when we don't really know if on one play it was JP's or Josh's fault. Jp may have to apologize if it was his mis-read. Maybe someone can ask and get an answer on ask the coach this week.


If it was a bad route by Reed, then it was the right move by JP. If JP threw or mis-read then I hope he is man enough to apologize.

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Now, come on, VA.  You're on record multiple times as saying that the Bills made a mistake letting Drew go, perhaps not in those exact words, but I'm sure everyone here will agree that your tone has been unabashedly pro-Drew and anti-JP all off-season.  Now you're getting on people for "reading way too much" into your "what if JP made the mistake" post?


Perhaps I missed the post where you admit that JP played well yesterday.  It might have given your comment about the JP-Reed skirmish more credibility.




As far as the Drew thing goes, you obviously don't read my stuff. I basically decided several months back that it was probably the best thing that he was gone. I just still had issues with JP taking over.

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Bledsoe was not a friggin leader. You can try and tell me that all you want. But he was not a leader.


If his "I'm just so mad" comment was leadership than call me pippi longstockings. Maybe he was a bit different in the lockerroom but the guy never layed blame on himself. He was stuck with those "We just didnt execute" comments. Had respect for Drew for a couple seasons but he never showed emotion on the field or sidelines. Never did I see him go over to his unit and talk with them. He always went off and stood next to Killdrive or sat by himself.



Agreed...The only time I saw his show any kind of emotion or characte rwas

the game against the Vikes during season 1....when even after getting a

cut on the chin, he got it stitched up and back into the game to throw the

game winning TD to price.

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