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Evildoer General MUST HATE FREEDOM


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This is why everyone should immediately stop hiring English majors. I hate people who spend 3 pages blathering about something that should have taken 2 sentences. Note: I'm not referencing your post. :angry:

I heard today on one of the talking head shows that the posse comitatus act needs some refining, but that if the feds had wanted to, they could have declared an insurrection --- and seeing some of what was happening, I don't think anyone would have argued that. The NG and military in general suffer a lot from the legacy of how their counterparts are used in other parts of the world and mental flashes of Kent State, etc. Going forward, there needs to be some wiggle room for a quick, minimal red-tape response in situations of catastrophic natural disaster, etc.



No, that's not it either. Maybe some, but there is already wiggle room there. Plans need to get re-looked and maybe someone should agree on a trigger point where the response automatically becomes federalized. But, once again we'll run into states rights and transfer of control.


Also, the reports I mention are often line item statistical things with one or two lines of description only when needed. There's just a tremendous amount of information when an area the size of Great Britain gets waxed.

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