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(OT) Did anyone see the highlights?

Like A Mofo

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yah i saw it, sickening...some of the rangers bullpen pitchers said the fans "took it too far" in their verbal assault of the rangers...ya know what, if i am makin multimillions to sit in a bullpen and pitch my 2 innings when we are down 10-1, i could easily be oblivious to some insults from fans...

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I know.... I would not want a women or a lone grounds keeper to jump into the Yanknees bullpen & get assaulted again! They are real tough guys! LOL




I'm just glad it wasn't in the Yankee bullpen this time.... ;)  :lol:


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I've done a bit of bullpen razzing in my day, but was never afraid of a chair coming my way....


3 years ago in Fenway a few of us were talking some trash to Ricky Bones of the Marlins. He was having a good time with it and finally when somebody yelled "Hey Bones, you haven't even pitched in a week, why do you even play baseball" he looked back with a smile and put up two fingers, then a fist, then one finger then scratched his fingers together (universal sign for money) and then pointed at himself...as in "I make $2.1 million..."


it was actually pretty funny.


Some of my friends were at Wrigley a few years back razzing griffey in the outfield. By the 6th inning or so he'd had enough and turned around between plays and yelled "I f*cked your wife" to one of my friends (who is pretty sure he didn't in fact f his wife....)

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