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kanya west on TV now


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Bush doesn't run down to the area, and he doesn't care about black people.  Now he goes down (sends Cheney), and its a photo op.  You liberals are all the same.  You really think that americans think the same way you do.  Thank God that more americans support Bush than you seem to think.  By the way, the last liberal president, was busy getting BJ's in the oval office instead of going after Osama.  Maybe if he had been doing his job then 9/11 would have never happened.  But you would argue he did a great job.




Face it, they are LEMMINGS.....


The Democratic party is a J O K E ....


Let Howard Dean and his ilk spew this crap more and more. They look simply SILLY.

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Exactly my point.


So now he makes a poorly timed comment and all of that is wiped away? He is now "no smarter than the average rapper?" That happened in 30 seconds?




Yep, there is a line one crosses from which there is no return. In many people's mind Kanye West crossed that line. It was extraordinary to hear that a stadium of people from Ted Kennedy's stomping grounds in Boston, MA boo'ed a guy for Bush bashing.

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Were you hurt by the storm?  West simply spoke for the people living on the street for a week without food or water.


These people didnt have much, but had a home, food, and water for their babies and their families, all were saying the same thing.


You can call him an A-Hole if you want, but the people that were hurt by Katrina call him a hero.  How do I know?  My sister is a disaster relief Lawyer down there trying to get people money who lost everything.




Did you read my entire post?

Do I need to spell it out for you:

THE GOVERNMENT FAILED IN 2005 (That would suggest that in 2001 the Bush folks did a pretty darn good job responding to the needs of those victims, but not this time)


THERFORE THE BUCK STOPS WITH MR BUSH AND HIS LEADERSHIP. (Thats taken from an old Harry Truman thing).

Or did you just read the part were I called a guy an A-hole and for some reason you were offended. By the way, West wasn't hurt either......But I'm betting that his ill-timed comments had an impact (read hurt) on the telethons total number of dollars collected.

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Is this a triple k meeting?  Sounds like one.


Get over it, the guy had an opinion, sorry you were offended, but many of the people he talked about have been offended their whole life and their families, generation after generation have been offended.


This type of ignorance is why people still have to make comments like he made.



My parents immigrated to this country, which makes me only the 2nd generation in my family to offend blacks. I guess I'll have to bear down and try extra hard in the future.


BTW, your final sentence is in my early top-5 finalists for "Ironic Statement Of The Year Award". See if you can figure out why.

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Yep, there is a line one crosses from which there is no return.  In many people's mind Kanye West crossed that line.  It was extraordinary to hear that a stadium of people from Ted Kennedy's stomping grounds in Boston, MA boo'ed a guy for Bush bashing.



Question... I here there is a booming African-American population in Hyannis Port? Where are they hiding them?




Funny because my nephew from outside Boston is into rap and all the culture surrounding it.


He came to Illinois this past year. While he was here he commented "There is a lot of black people here."


I replied: "Wow! That is right. Aren't there any in MA?"



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