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The England cricket team have a group of travelling supporters at every game called the Barmy Army... They have a chant that could really hack off the opposition... I want to start the very first Buffalo Bills Barmy Army.


Here's how the chant goes.


Divide your group into two. First half of the groups shouts "Barmy Army"

The second group immediately shouts "Barmy Army" and you repeat ad nauseum.


You can also elaborate to say: "Mike Mularky's Barmy Army" but make sure you pronounce Mike Mularky with only 4 short syllables...


So for the Barmy Army chant - make it: BAR-me ARR-me


And: Mike-MUH LAR-KEE BAR-me ARR-me


go on. you know you want to. do it loud and proud.



What's a Barmy?


What a unfortunate child with a cleft pallet calls a purple dinosaur


I apologize already....

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