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I don't think you are furthering your argument by bringing up Hitler.  The right can pull up some really nice people like Stalin and Mao if the point is guilt by association. 


I wouldn't associate ANY of the posters on this board with either of those 2 "gentlemen".  Was the real purpose of your post to associate the people with a right wing slant with Hitler?  If it was, then all I can say is "wow".




It wasn't MY argument. And the "smilie" denotes a joke. I keep forgetting that most of the wingnuts around here (although not all) have no sense of humor. I merely tossed out one reason why someone might take umbrage at being called a right-winger. And it's a pretty good reason too.


That Stalin was a leftist means nothing to me. I am not Stalin and I don't take offense when it's pointed out that he's left of center because I know the difference. If certain people around here take offense at being called right-wing, that means they either can't see the difference between right-wing and maniacal extremist, or that deep down they have a negative association with right-wing.


Hitler was probably worse than Stalin although I guess the people of Russia might think otherwise. In any event, both of them were bad. I identify with neither.

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You want to point out to me where I'm a right wing nut? And, what has been your "contribution", bucko? Oh, and I love the media telling the truth part. I've been working in a place where there is actually a statistic sheet being kept on the amount of media coverage that is innacurate and downright false. But, since it's being kept by the people actually responsible for providing actual situational awareness to the folks organizing and controlling things, from local to federal government - it must be a lie because it doesn't fit your venom. If you people ever took the time to look at stuff objectively, for what it's worth and got off you mantra - you might actually start to understand how things are. But no, understanding something would get in the way of soapboxes. Stick to football comments. You have nothing of value to add to anything past that.


No one can honestly make comments about how "right wing nuts" react when the "media tells the truth" because the media hasn't told the truth in so long that basically no one remembers how to act if and when that happens.


"Coming up on CNN: We're going to be talking to a UC-Berkeley professor about controversial comments made by ultra-talented rapper, Kanye West. Does President Bush simply not care about black people, as West believes, or does he really dislike them as well? And a little later we'll be interviewing singer and hurricane expert Celine Dion and gage her reaction to the past week's events. Stay tuned.


This....is CNN."



"There are all of these guys with all of this training and we're sending them out to hand out a phone number," an Oregon firefighter said. "They [the hurricane victims] are screaming for help and this day [of FEMA training] was a waste."

    Firefighters say they want to brave the heat, the debris-littered roads, the poisonous cottonmouth snakes and fire ants and travel into pockets of Louisiana where many people have yet to receive emergency aid.

    But as specific orders began arriving to the firefighters in Atlanta, a team of 50 Monday morning quickly was ushered onto a flight headed for Louisiana. The crew's first assignment: to stand beside President Bush as he tours devastated areas.




Bush was in Texas when the storm hit. BUSH BAD!


Bush went to New Orleans to survey the damage. BUSH BAD!


Bush obviously orchestrates exactly who stands near him every minute of the day. BUSH BAD!

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