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Lights coming back on Dowtown


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The Hilton Riverwalk and the New Orleans Convention Center have power. Plus some other buildings downtown. Wow....


What a crappy country this is where it takes a whole week to get power on after the worst natural disaster in our history. I feel so much shame.



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Power returning


Parts of the Central Business District and the Warehouse District had power Tuesday, said Dan Packer, president and chief executive officer of Entergy New Orleans.


He said he hoped to have the entire CBD up in a few days. Authorities worked to get hotels up and running to house hundreds of workers who will be faced with the daunting task of helping rebuild the city.



CBD is the Central Business District

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People forget that Katrina spared NOLA the brunt of the storm... Actually NO did quite well considering.


The city flooded about 80% because of levee breaks... That I still question if the strom fully caused. The French Quarter and CBD was spared the brunt of this flooding being situated on higher ground near the east bend in the river.


Nothing (electrically) is underground in NOLA... I take everything is "overhead service."


Still remarkable though.

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