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This string is pretty funny. I remember someone posting Drew Bledsoe's QB rating from the first preseason game. Somehow it was relevant regarding Drew. Perhaps it was one of the guys who has posted in this string.


In any event, the regular season is going to tell the story. I personally think that we gave up on Drew too early. I will be supporting JP because he is the Bills' QB and seems like a good guy. Yet, based on what I have seen thus far, I have some concerns. He certainly has the ability. The question is whether he is ready now as opposed to later.


At this point, he is the guy. We will know more on Sunday. It is going to be interesting to see how he responds to a full house of screaming Bills fans in a very important regular season game.


For those of you going on and on about how great his performance was against Detroit, I really don't see it. I just hope that he has got it out of his system.


Go Bills.

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