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Is Teflon's 10 Yr. Plan still on target?


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* 2 rookie head coaches in 4 years

* Another rebuild on the O line

* Rebuilding at QB

* Where's the depth at wr after Moulds, Evans? Please tell me not Reed & Aiken.

* DT? after Adams... Sape, Anderson, Edwards, Bannon (is Teflon serious)?


I must admit... I drank the koolaid the first two years... but I haven't been back to sup from the cup since. No more Teflon communion for me.


I woulda thunk that most GMs worth a $chitt might have their teams ready for Prime Time by year 5. But, I guess Teflon sees it differently.


Perhaps I see it differently... There are no visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. What's wrong with me? what is everyone seeing that I'm not. You all seem to see something way different... too much Teflon koolaid?


I see an offense that's gonna spit, sputter, and stall more than it's gonna be runnin on all 8. And then when they do, they got a kicker that can't put it tween the pipes.


I see a defense that's not gonna be as stout against the run w/o PW.


I see a ST unit that will steal 3-4 games though


But, I still only see 7 and 9.


I hate to spoil a good fantasy folks... but jeezuz god....I broke my rose colored glasses. There is just noevidence available other than what we've all been witness to over the past 4 weeks.

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I give you credit Dee. At least you let some time past before you rehash the same old crap.


Perhaps I see it differently... T
Ya think?


I hate to spoil a good fantasy folks
Don't apologize for your only strength.


I know. You've been hurt before. Or you are aching to be right. Either way, for those who have short memories...this is a warm up for the long list of posts exactly like this one which DeeRay will post every time we lose a game. And when we win, he will come back and let us know it was a fluke.


Truthfully, DeeRay, many here...including myself...have argued against your incredibly myopic "Donahoe 10-year-plan" piss-n-moanfest a number of times. Since it's obvious you don't give a rat's ass about counter arguments, I'll let the new folks in the audience waste their time with you.

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geezuz LA... My aim was not to pi$$ in your corn flakes. I'm sorry if I offended you, but you So. Cal. types really need to get some thicker skin. All I speak is the truth...


The bottom line is "W"s and Teflon is below .500 after 4 years. He's border line adequate.


Trust me LA... I'm not the villain here. I'm just a fan that expects better reults than we've been getting. I don't control the moves the Bills organization make. You must not think we deserve better.


You may not be one of the folks that are becoming impatient with Teflon. Teflon has basically received a free pass. I think that is just about expired unless the fans start seeing results. Teflon has never had to endure the media onslaught he is about to experience... The local media is beginning to get a little testy and with WGR bringing back Dickerson, believe me, if things don't turn around, and rather quickly... it's gonna get ugly.


So, please don't villify me... I'm just the messenger... and all I brought was reality. I know the sun always shines in So. Cal... but it doesn't here.

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geezuz LA... My aim was not to pi$$ in your corn flakes.  I'm sorry if I offended you, but you So. Cal. types really need to get some thicker skin. All I speak is the truth...


The bottom line is "W"s  and Teflon is below .500 after 4 years.  He's border line adequate.


Trust me LA... I'm not the villain here.  I'm just a fan that expects better reults than we've been getting.  I don't control the moves the Bills organization make. You must not think we deserve better.


You may not be one of the folks that are becoming impatient with Teflon.  Teflon has basically received a free pass.  I think that is just about expired unless the fans start seeing results.  Teflon has never had to endure the media onslaught he is about to experience... The local media is beginning to get a little testy and with WGR bringing back Dickerson, believe me, if things don't turn around, and rather quickly... it's gonna get ugly.


So, please don't villify me... I'm just the messenger... and all I brought was reality.  I know the sun always shines in So. Cal... but it doesn't here.


LO friggin' L. "i'm not the villain here. i'm just the messenger." please, i'm trying not to spit my coffee out.


yep, deeray -- you're a huge fan. can you find a way to work in a few more "teflon" references in your posts? what a hoot.


i hear that ralph actually has a "fan hotline" so he can decide when to push the button on firing donahoe.


have fun calling "the coach" during the season, dee...the two of you can yuck it up while you dish out "the truth."



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DeeRay, many of us feel the way you do about this team this year. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens this year. I'm going to try and hold off on pissing in the corn flakes until week 4 or so. You are not the only one that can see major flaws in the way Tom Donahoe builds a football team. I just don't understand why you can't call a spade a spade on this board without someone getting mad? I see a lot of broken hearts around her this season. I hope this team gels but from the looks of preseason, it's a mess.

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DeeRay, many of us feel the way you do about this team this year. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens this year. I'm going to try and hold off on pissing in the corn flakes until week 4 or so. You are not the only one that can see major flaws in the way Tom Donahoe builds a football team. I just don't understand why you can't call a spade a spade on this board without someone getting mad? I see a lot of broken hearts around her this season. I hope this team gels but from the looks of preseason, it's a mess.


But remember Frez, it's only preseason.


I am so sick of everyone seeing preseason as a non-factor. I have seen nothing to get my hopes through preseason. This team has issues. Preseason is just one step in the ladder to success and the Bills have fallen off that step.


Like I said before, if this team goes 2-4 or 1-3 then will people be saying relax it's only the first qtr of the season. :)

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So, please don't villify me... I'm just the messenger... and all I brought was reality.  I know the sun always shines in So. Cal... but it doesn't here.


You are the messenger of your own thoughts, Dee, not reality. You don't know jack schitt about how season is going to play out. None. Zero. Zip. You can take everything you know about the upcoming football season, write it all down on a piece of paper, crumble the paper up and shove it up the ass of a gnat.


Things change. Strategies change. Teams change. Players get hurt. Upsets take place. People go on streaks and people fall off the map.


Predicting is a fun and natural thing, but the cloud you warn everyone about is not over Western New York. It's simply hovering over the DeeRayMobile at 1313 Mockingbird Lane.


The reason the sun is out all the time in California is because I tend to look for the good: in the game, in the players and in the season, and to sit here one week before the season starts and tell everyone how much we're going to suck...again...gets tiresome.


It's not the message, per se. It's the messenger. Find something new to say instead of "TD sucks" because he just got an extension and for the next six months he is going absolutely, positively nowhere.


Suck it up and let's play ball, for Christ's sake. If you're so afraid of the downside, then stop watching the !@#$ing game.

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I really understnd all of you and your angst at Deeray. He's not brought forth the love you want to hear. All is not well in this world. It's not all ice cream and mom's apple pie. The sun is not always shining But, at least you're on your way to recovery. First there's the anger, then the denial, the next hoop to pass through is recognizing that there may be some truth to that which Derray hath delivered to you. Once you pass through that phase, I'm confident you have seen the light.


Trust me bros. I don't have a axe to grind against your beloved Teflon man, aside from the fact that he hath not delivered that which he hath said he was going to deliver in his opening press conference. After 4 years, now he begins to build the offense aftre stop gapping it with Bledsoe, Centers, Shaw, and Gash. Meanwhile , the contracts of Fletcher, Denney, and Clements will be up at season's end, Milloy, Vincent, and Adams are all on the wrong side of 30... and Spikes contract will be up after next season. I see a treadmill that ain't fun to be on. I mean, WTF? are we still in cap jail?

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DeeRay, many of us feel the way you do about this team this year. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens this year. I'm going to try and hold off on pissing in the corn flakes until week 4 or so. You are not the only one that can see major flaws in the way Tom Donahoe builds a football team. I just don't understand why you can't call a spade a spade on this board without someone getting mad? I see a lot of broken hearts around her this season. I hope this team gels but from the looks of preseason, it's a mess.


define "mess," frez.


here's the issue i see with bills' fans. particularly on the offensive side of the ball, there is a great deal of uncertainty as we head into the season. will the OL be adequate? can JP play mistake-free football? can lindell provide any consistency?


while none of us know right now how those questions will be answered, there are some rather vocal pessimists on this board who refuse to believe that anything will go well for the bills. personally, i think that is a pretty crappy and unfulfilling way to support one's team.


"uncertain" does not equal "destined for failure" -- a notion lost on the negative ninnies around here.


you say that nobody can "call a spade a spade" on this board -- well, that's exactly how the optimistic among us feel. when we talk about being excited for the season, we're described as rose-colored-glasses-wearing-koolaid-drinking idiots who are being taken for a ride by "teflon" donahoe, the ego-maniac who doesn't know how to build a team and needs to be run out of town on a rail.


anyway, i'm off the soapbox for a while. it's a beautiful 85 degree day in north carolina and i need to get outside.

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Any Retatta trademark royalties yet? ;)



Actually it's been very interesting. I've been getting boat loads of royalties, however it's been coming from people's estates. And then I have to give most of it back in the form of lost lawsuits. I mostly get: "What is the world were you thinking feeding my late (father, mother, wife, son etc) that crap!!"


I knew I should have never have gotten back into the cooking biz. :)

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I really understnd all of you and your angst at Deeray. He's not brought forth the love you want to hear.  All is not well in this world.  It's not all ice cream and mom's apple pie.  The sun is not always shining  But, at least you're on your way to recovery.  First there's the anger, then the denial, the next hoop to pass through is recognizing that there may be some truth to that which Derray hath delivered to you.  Once you pass through that phase, I'm confident you have seen the light.


Trust me bros.  I don't have a axe to grind against your beloved Teflon man, aside from the fact that he hath not delivered that which he hath said he was going to deliver in his opening press conference.  After 4 years, now he begins to build the offense aftre stop gapping it with Bledsoe, Centers, Shaw, and Gash.  Meanwhile , the contracts of Fletcher, Denney, and Clements will be up at season's end, Milloy, Vincent, and Adams are all on the wrong side of 30... and Spikes contract will be up after next season.  I see a treadmill that ain't fun to be on.  I mean, WTF? are we still in cap jail?



Third person?? Very interesting. Jesus dude, you're talking about a football game as if it were as important as what's going on in NO.

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I really understnd all of you and your angst at Deeray. He's not brought forth the love you want to hear.  All is not well in this world.  It's not all ice cream and mom's apple pie.  The sun is not always shining   But, at least you're on your way to recovery.  First there's the anger, then the denial, the next hoop to pass through is recognizing that there may be some truth to that which Derray hath delivered to you.  Once you pass through that phase, I'm confident you have seen the light.


Trust me bros.  I don't have a axe to grind against your beloved Teflon man, aside from the fact that he hath not delivered that which he hath said he was going to deliver in his opening press conference.  After 4 years, now he begins to build the offense aftre stop gapping it with Bledsoe, Centers, Shaw, and Gash.  Meanwhile , the contracts of Fletcher, Denney, and Clements will be up at season's end, Milloy, Vincent, and Adams are all on the wrong side of 30... and Spikes contract will be up after next season.  I see a treadmill that ain't fun to be on.  I mean, WTF? are we still in cap jail?



First off, quit referring to yourself in the third person, it makes you sound more reatrded than you already are...


Secondly, Spikes has 4 years left on a 6 year deal, so where you decided his contract is up after next year is beyond me, and fletcher has 2 more years left...get your info straight...


or maybe, prozac...

Edited by Ramius
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* 2 rookie head coaches in 4 years

* Another rebuild on the O line

* Rebuilding at QB

* Where's the depth at wr after Moulds, Evans?  Please tell me not  Reed & Aiken.

* DT? after Adams... Sape, Anderson, Edwards, Bannon (is Teflon serious)?



You left out the 10-year high in season ticket sales.... :)

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Such preseason anxiety!

It's been this way since the Juggernaut days of the Kelly era vanished into the sunset.

TD has been rapidly (OK, OK the Civil War only lasted 4 years, but rebuilding a contending NFL team is much more complicated than that) working his butt off getting our Bills into a team that can play with the best of them in the AFC North division.


What we're left with in terms of offense is a pop-gun like Rachel Ray - not a juggernaut but "Jugs-'O-Naught!"

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Such preseason anxiety!

It's been this way since the Juggernaut days of the Kelly era vanished into the sunset.

TD has been rapidly (OK, OK the Civil War only lasted 4 years, but rebuilding a contending NFL team is much more complicated than that) working his butt off getting our Bills into a team that can play with the best of them in the AFC North division.


What we're left with in terms of offense is a pop-gun like Rachel Ray - not a juggernaut but "Jugs-'O-Naught!"


unfortunately, the bills play in the east. maybe that's the problem. :)

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