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City of Detroit offers housing


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Laughed just now watching on CNN some political hack trying to ride the wave(no pun intended) and make some political ground buy offering housing to 500 N.Orleans families. No offence but no matter how bad it gets in N.O Detroit is no sanctuary. I think Id take the Astrodome.

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and there in a nutshell is what is wrong with americans. here is a solution to your tragedy...sorry that is not good enough! :blink:


Laughed just now watching on CNN some political hack trying to ride the wave(no pun intended) and make some political ground buy offering housing to 500 N.Orleans families. No offence but no matter how bad it gets in N.O Detroit is no sanctuary. I think Id take the Astrodome.


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..sorry that is not good enough! :blink:


It's not. Motown is the most depressing city Ive ever had the misfortune of being in. Even N.O, in it's current disrepair, at least has the hope of a rebuild and possible improvments down the road. Detroit? It's just dead and buried long ago.

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So 500 families were offered shelter in a different city and you guys scoff at it. I say that is very commendable, and lucky for 500 families. People are so !@#$ed up when they are screwed and they still B word and moan when people are helping them.

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Didn't you see RoboCop??


Detroit = RJ


Someone queue up the link to the video clip of the Detroit Mayor and his crazy congresswoman mother.


Apparently people are dying in Detroit, although I'm still not sure where and for what.

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So 500 families were offered shelter in a different city and you guys scoff at it.  I say that is very commendable, and lucky for 500 families.  People are so !@#$ed up when they are screwed and they still B word and moan when people are helping them.


Obviously the initial post is tongue in cheek. Relax

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I know soe people are being tongue-in-cheek in this post, but the sad truth is that pre-hurricane, the situation for the hundreds of thousands of poor, nearly all-black people of New Orleans was as bad if not worse than those in Detroit, and the Mardi Gras-celebration side of the city just masked that. At least Detroit has some Fortune 500 companies to speak of.

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wasn't obvious to me!  but i am not usually the brightest knife in the shed!


C'mon now. Obviously even a $hithole like Detroit is better than being knee deep in polluted swill. Jesus

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When I lived in Michigan (1986), Detroit had a lot of open housing. There were beautiful two story 5 bedroom brick homes for sale at $3000-$8000. I think even the poor of NO would be able to afford something like that.

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