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Not anger, amazement at the zombie-like, kool-aid drinking, everyone-is-an-idiot- except-the-elitists-who-worship-the-perfect-President-act-around-here.


It's just unbelievable.



It does get more than just a bit thick around here from time to time. Generally, I enjoy the football talk, but politically, it's usually best to just lay low. There's very little room around here for thoughtful discussion.


As for the President, I tend to think of him as the Pied Piper..............

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The thing I dont understand is why bring the President into this and make it a political thing......


Both the Repubs and Dems would have BOTH screwed this up equally as badly.....




Because of something called the "goat story" I am told...

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The thing I dont understand is why bring the President into this and make it a political thing......


Both the Repubs and Dems would have BOTH screwed this up equally as badly.....


Because it is what the Democrats' mouthpieces are best at. They have no story of their own, so in order to raise themselves up they tear down their competition. They are the masters of hindsight and will use anything...even a horrible natural disaster unlike anything anyone here has ever seen...to undermind the leadership they can't win themselves. They blew it after 9/11 when the country needed everyone together, and they're blowing it now. Just faster.


Sucks when your national leaders end up panicking, because all it does is make everyone else panick in response.


Sad. Really sad.

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That is a pretty rough thing to say. As was mentioned, just about no one here has the first clue about what is happening or what is supposed to happen. A few that do have tried to explain it somewhat, but get over ridden by "Bush Bad". There are people involved in this that have a LOT of compassion who are having to make some pretty tough choices right now.


Like I said elsewhere, maybe everyone needs to walk away from the TV for a while.



I look at these arguments as a good thing... It shows that people care a lot.


Like I said before I can understand everthing you say and still face the music that the some of the missons (to central NO only) may be failing.


Again, it is not a reflection on anybody... Except my gratuitous "Bush is bad" moment. :blink::)


We really don't need to walk away. I need to be burdened with this. What I don't need is to burden everybody else... So I will try to lay low from now on.

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Because it is what the Democrats' mouthpieces are best at. They have no story of their own, so in order to raise themselves up they tear down their competition. They are the masters of hindsight and will use anything...even a horrible natural disaster unlike anything anyone here has ever seen...to undermind the leadership they can't win themselves. They blew it after 9/11 when the country needed everyone together, and they're blowing it now. Just faster.


Sucks when your national leaders end up panicking, because all it does is make everyone else panick in response.


Sad. Really sad.






what a chump... pointing fingers .. Its a dem thing its a liberal thing.... too typical

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Because it is what the Democrats' mouthpieces are best at. They have no story of their own, so in order to raise themselves up they tear down their competition. They are the masters of hindsight and will use anything...even a horrible natural disaster unlike anything anyone here has ever seen...to undermind the leadership they can't win themselves. They blew it after 9/11 when the country needed everyone together, and they're blowing it now. Just faster.


Sucks when your national leaders end up panicking, because all it does is make everyone else panick in response.


Sad. Really sad.



Again as long as folks don't assume because the Democratic part is screwed up and gets many things wrong that this means the GOP is correct then they are closer to understanding what may be correct in reality.


It seems odd to me and not consistent with reality that you seem to feel that the Democratic mouthpieces are blowing things faster after 9/11 when the Democrats are not running the government and in control or in the majority in any of the three branches.


The Prez's job is not win debating points or simply be right on the issues, the Prez's job is to produce good results even if he is leading a bunch of idiots (I don't think he is as I do not think that America is made up of a bunch of idiots).


Regardless of how one feels about the positions he takes on issues, I think it is hard to reasonably argue that the Prez had provided leadership which has allowed for 60%+ of the body politics to generally be on the same page or feel good about the direction the country is going in as was done under the leadership (flawed as it was in many ways) or Reagan or Clinton or even that of George Bush the elder though he had the advantage of the US being united against Saddam and his invasion of Kuwait.


The prinmary failing of this Administration is that it responded to the horror of 9/11 by starting out well by resisting the idiots like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell when he told them to shut when their first reaction was to spew idiocy about who was at fault, then to wait 30+ days and let us get our act together to rock and roll in Afghanistan rather than ineffectively immediately hurl some cruise missles their way as Clinton had done, but instead strike an effective blow against the Taliban and Al Quaeda.


The Prez really screwed up by taking this moment in time where 90%+ of Americans agreed and the world sense of synpathy and honor for the US was at its highest and use this capital to focus on Iraq because he judged it as a slam-dunk that it was a threat to the US.


The reality is that our leader has failed to produce even majority support todayfor his policies and has produced leadership which unlike his predecessors has resulted in a starkly divided American public. I guess he did accomplish a goal in that he did get a majority of the vote in 2004, but the country seems to be paying for this result in the lives of our troops and in the lack of effective leadership in these times of crisis events.


On can choose to blame the 48% of Democratic Party voters for being idiots, but I don't think one should fail to also acknowledge the failure of the current Prez ro unite the idiots with his base the way the Reagan, Clinton and even his Dad did.


The Prez will be a real success when he leads and inspires the idiots. Others did well at this and he has failed dramatically.

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Puh-lease.  If the sitting Pres was a Dem, it'd be EXACTLY the same but with the GOP leadership blasting away.


No doubt, and I'd like to think I'd be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed. Unfortunately, the Dems set a precedent after 9/11 that is unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetime. I try to be of the mindset of "everyone get together to fix the problem, and if you feel the need to cast blame, do it AFTER you fix the !@#$ing problem, not WHILE you're trying to fix it."


I am apparently an idealist because I thought 9/11 would be a country-altering event. I thought we could finally rise up together for once and for all, with Senators singing "God Bless America" as one group on national TV and world leaders saying "Enough with petty squabbling, let's start kicking some ass." I couldn't have been more wrong. Our nation is run by self-serving, egomaniacal dumb!@#$s and to the rest of the world we look like "The United States of The Keystone Kops." We're out of control, we're too big to stop it, American has forgotten how to prioritize and take on personal accountability, and I honestly fear for our near-term future.


Someone's going to !@#$ us. Bad. Worse than 9/11 and Katrina combined. At least in the end we'll undoubtedly finally be able to blame the right people.

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I am apparently an idealist because I thought 9/11 would be a country-altering event. I thought we could finally rise up together for once and for all, with Senators singing "God Bless America" as one group on national TV and world leaders saying "Enough with petty squabbling, let's start kicking some ass."


I thought so too, until the RNC started selling pictures of W "managing" the crisis to donors before the bodies of the 9/11 victims were even cold.


To accuse only the Democrats of playing politics with national disaster is to have the world's biggest set of blinders on. At BEST both sides are equally guilty.

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No doubt, and I'd like to think I'd be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed. Unfortunately, the Dems set a precedent after 9/11 that is unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetime. I try to be of the mindset of "everyone get together to fix the problem, and if you feel the need to cast blame, do it AFTER you fix the !@#$ing problem, not WHILE you're trying to fix it."


I am apparently an idealist because I thought 9/11 would be a country-altering event. I thought we could finally rise up together for once and for all, with Senators singing "God Bless America" as one group on national TV and world leaders saying "Enough with petty squabbling, let's start kicking some ass." I couldn't have been more wrong. Our nation is run by self-serving, egomaniacal dumb!@#$s and to the rest of the world we look like "The United States of The Keystone Kops." We're out of control, we're too big to stop it, American has forgotten how to prioritize and take on personal accountability, and I honestly fear for our near-term future.


Someone's going to !@#$ us. Bad. Worse than 9/11 and Katrina combined. At least in the end we'll undoubtedly finally be able to blame the right people.



My views on this are right along LA's I think.....


Nowadays I really am not so much into Dems and Repubs as much as I would just like to see America WORK TOGETHER to fix its problems.....


Bush has made mistakes....anyone who says otherwise I just wont agree with.....BUT....the way that dem's (like Kennedy) sit there and while a situation is going on they are sitting there like spoiled little children on the playground "LOOK WHAT HE DID...LOOK WHAT HE DID"


These guys just dont get it......if just one of these guys would just step forward and say "lets put aside blame for a second and fix the damn problem" and when it is OVER fix what went wrong.....


That guy (or gal) gets my vote every year......I am just sick of the constant undermining when what we should be doing is CIRCLING THE FRIGGEN WAGONS

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BUT....the way that dem's (like Kennedy) sit there and while a situation is going on they are sitting there like spoiled little children on the playground "LOOK WHAT HE DID...LOOK WHAT HE DID"


I hear ya, John, but is that any different from what the GOP did all during the '90s?


The party in power is generally arrogant. The party out of power is generally whiny. Let's not try to pretend that either is better than the other.

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No doubt, and I'd like to think I'd be saying the same thing if the roles were reversed. Unfortunately, the Dems set a precedent after 9/11 that is unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetime. I try to be of the mindset of "everyone get together to fix the problem, and if you feel the need to cast blame, do it AFTER you fix the !@#$ing problem, not WHILE you're trying to fix it."


I am apparently an idealist because I thought 9/11 would be a country-altering event. I thought we could finally rise up together for once and for all, with Senators singing "God Bless America" as one group on national TV and world leaders saying "Enough with petty squabbling, let's start kicking some ass." I couldn't have been more wrong. Our nation is run by self-serving, egomaniacal dumb!@#$s and to the rest of the world we look like "The United States of The Keystone Kops." We're out of control, we're too big to stop it, American has forgotten how to prioritize and take on personal accountability, and I honestly fear for our near-term future.


Someone's going to !@#$ us. Bad. Worse than 9/11 and Katrina combined. At least in the end we'll undoubtedly finally be able to blame the right people.


Good post.

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I hear ya, John, but is that any different from what the GOP did all during the '90s?


The party in power is generally arrogant.  The party out of power is generally whiny.  Let's not try to pretend that either is better than the other.



I am not condoning from either side....at this point I dont really consider myself a republican....


Just an american

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