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Troops rush to New Orleans to halt violence, theft


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well, gee, i'm glad that keith did something to help.  !@#$.  <_<



No kidding - a 40 year old trash collector stands by and watches a child get raped?


Actually, I doubt this happened, but he should be slapped for saying it just the same.

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hes a dick for not helping. but i dout most would do anything in that situation. if i had a gun than no problem. but i dout he did. and i dout there was just 1 guy there. this is why we need guns in america. to keep stupid !@#$ers from doing stupid !@#$ing things.



Everyone at the SD was checked for weapons. Even if there was more than 1 - there aren't as many rapists as there are refugees in there.


Again, I think it was an embellishment. No one talks about bad food and rape in the same sentence.

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We just had a big DCom brief with city officials and the military bases here.  They are going to use Oceana as a drop point for donations of food/water and hump them via C130.  Which is HUGE HELP!  And get this, people are bitching here because "there will be more jet noise"...


I live on the point where the Wolfsnare Creek meets the Lynnhaven River. We're just outside of the crash zone, but we do get an awful lot of noise when the jets are approaching for a landing. That said, I haven't heard the first person complain about jet noise - especially in reference to Katrina relief efforts. I personally think the whole jet noise crowd are a very vocal group of about 20 people. Hell, I'd let them land in my driveway if it would -A- help save Oceana, or -B- help the relief efforts.

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Sooner than later this will become a race issue and a bash Bush festival because you know everything in the universe that is wrong is his fault.



Its already started...i dont want to start a debate on here at all, but the NAACP has already started complaining about the treatment of refugees...i dont have a link, it was on the radio news this morning...


And as much as i hate him, if you blame bush for this, then you are a moron...

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Its already started...i dont want to start a debate on here at all, but the NAACP has already started complaining about the treatment of refugees...i dont have a link, it was on the radio news this morning...


And as much as i hate him, if you blame bush for this, then you are a moron...



He just said the response has been "unacceptable," and he stressed that word. For the about the 12th time in his entire presidency, I agree with him. The FEMA director should start the first draft of his letter of resignation --- in fact, that's probably is what he's doing. Not much leadership down there.

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He just said the response has been "unacceptable," and he stressed that word. For the about the 12th time in his entire presidency, I agree with him. The FEMA director should start the first draft of his letter of resignation --- in fact, that's probably is what he's doing. Not much leadership down there.



Not much leadership at any level in this case. The state response is nothing to brag about, and the municipal response is horrible. Somebody at the state or federal level needs to step up and say "Okay, here's the plan..." instead of relying on the overwhelmed (and, in my opinion, incompetent) municipal authorities to get control.

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Its already started...i dont want to start a debate on here at all, but the NAACP has already started complaining about the treatment of refugees


The same NAACP that encouraged a lot of these people to live off the government in the first place.

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Its already started...i dont want to start a debate on here at all, but the NAACP has already started complaining about the treatment of refugees


The same NAACP that encouraged a lot of these people to live off the government in the first place.


Conressman Lewis was just on TV. Said he wants the fderal governmen to give NO 100 billion to rebuild NO.


Didn't they just learn their leson not to build there? <_<


He was asked where the money would come from and basically he said disband the military and if they want money they should do fund raisers to fund the military and all of our money should be spent in the US only.

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Wow, that's just great.  It's about 72 hours late but hey...


Hey, Mike, just curious how you see the conditions down there? Is it really as bad as it seems?


Oh, wait. You're not there? You're not part of the rescue team? You're not handing out supplies? You're not standing on your roof waiting to be helped out? You have no idea what's happening other than what you see on TV?


Sorry, my bad. I thought you actually had a clue.

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Hey, Mike, just curious how you see the conditions down there? Is it really as bad as it seems?


Oh, wait. You're not there? You're not part of the rescue team? You're not handing out supplies? You're not standing on your roof waiting to be helped out? You have no idea what's happening other than what you see on TV?


Sorry, my bad. I thought you actually had a clue.



How do you reconcile Pres. Bush, fresh from the Situation Room, sounding a little angry when saying that the reponse has been "unacceptable"? I prefer to think he has a better grasp on the overall situation than most anyone.


(That depends on whether you think he has a clue. Opinions vary on that.)

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I was in Pensacola for Ivan...The only thing i can say is...You watch it on TV and it looks pretty bad...but until you actually live through one...You just don't understand....It's surreal...the damage and living without electricty and clean water for a couple days...These poor people in New Orleans and Biloxi.....I thought Ivan was bad....but apparently this dosen't even come close.

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How do you reconcile Pres. Bush, fresh from the Situation Room, saying that the reponse has been "unacceptable."


(That depends on whether you think he has a clue. Opinions vary on that.)



Let me guess, are you one of the people who, when you disagree w/ the pres., say he is a liar and he is just "spinning" a situation, but when you agree - he is telling the truth?


Perception is reality. There is nothing else he can say, even if they are doing the best they can.

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How do you reconcile Pres. Bush, fresh from the Situation Room, sounding a little angry when saying that the reponse has been "unacceptable"? I prefer to think he has a better grasp on the overall situation than most anyone.


(That depends on whether you think he has a clue. Opinions vary on that.)



Easily. He's a politician. He's playing to the media, because if he disagrees with them he'll get crucified.

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He just said the response has been "unacceptable," and he stressed that word. For the about the 12th time in his entire presidency, I agree with him. The FEMA director should start the first draft of his letter of resignation --- in fact, that's probably is what he's doing. Not much leadership down there.


I had posted this in another thread and I think it is appropriate here... related to the unorganized response we've seen from FEMA (at least in this example)...




As for the convention center... I have been an apologist for the fact that the situation itself is a big reason for the delay in releif efforts. An interview I heard yesterday evening with Mike Brown changed all of that however.


He was being interviewed by Robert Segal on All Things Considered. Segal asked him about the fact that at the convention center there were reports of rapes and violence and that there was no one in a position of ANY authority there and that there had been NO deliveries of supplies there even though police in other areas of the city were telling people to go there.


Brown got very testy and said he knew nothing of that, and said "i'm not going to come on here and argue about what I'm hearing from my people vs what reporters are telling you".


15 minutes after the interview ended, Robert Segal said they had received a return call from Brown who said was able to confirm all he had just been told about the conditions at the Convention Center and help was on its way.


Within an our and half I saw on TV that some supplies of water were dropped off there.


It took being confronted about the situation on the radio and even challenging it at first to become aware of it.


There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with the way things are being handled down there.</qoute>

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Not defending anyone...but could anyone have imagined the damage from this hurricane? I was through Ivan and it was a joke comparitivly speaking. Everyone recovered fairly well from that...but this is epic in its destruction. I just don't think anyone imagined this type of devestation and responses to it.

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I think that as soon as they can get established, the military needs to take total control as a single point of contact for everyone. The civilian ICS has apparently broken down there, and the DoD is best equipped to get as much as can be gotten under control under control.

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I keep saying it: this isn't like deploying help into a city.  It's like deploying help into a swamp.  New Orleans is gone.  Maybe it'll come back...but right now, it's ceased to exist.  This is a vastly different situation from even the tsunami devastation, where it was possible to support people in-place.  In NO, it took three days to reopen a single runway at the airport...and people are wondering why supplies haven't been flown in?



I think people keep disagreeing with some of what you say because they have made a judgment that rather than everyone there deserving the same type of response and treatment that there are in fact a range of situations from children who are not at fault to idiots who shoot at choppers who we would be better off if they were dead.


The problem is that our command and control infrastructure (for a range of reasons ranging from the short time and unprecedented nature of the problem to some really poor preparation for a forseeable though not predictable set of problems) has broken down and their is limited capability to even rescue or help those who are in harms way much less sorting out how to deliver an appropriate response for an appropriate unfortunate circumstance or set of dumb decisions.


I think folks fail to embrace or even understand a one-size fits all simple response to this because one size simply does not fit all the situations here or a good human response to it.

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Not defending anyone...but could anyone have imagined the damage from this hurricane?  I was through Ivan and it was a joke comparitivly speaking. Everyone recovered fairly well from that...but this is epic in its destruction. I just don't think anyone imagined this type of devestation and responses to it.



Honestly...I think if you look at my posts from the weekend, I was saying there was the potential to lose the city. I had no idea it would be this much of a horror show, though.

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