nick in* england Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Before a speech on Anti-Social Behaviour just now, Prime Minister Tony Blair said Britain offers its 'sympathy, solidarity, prayers and thoughts' to the people of the Gulf Coast of America. He said he offered President Bush 'whatever support is necessary' during a conversation last night.
nick in* england Posted September 2, 2005 Author Posted September 2, 2005 oops - MODS - you may want to move this to PPP - I forgot where I was.
kegtapr Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Nick in England said: oops - MODS - you may want to move this to PPP - I forgot where I was. 426449[/snapback] Nothing political about this. Of all the nations in the world, Britain is the one America can rely on the most.
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 kegtapr said: Nothing political about this. Of all the nations in the world, Britain is the one America can rely on the most. 426497[/snapback] I second that. I can't express with appropriate words the heartfelt admiration I have for the UK and her people. They are the best of what's good in Western Civilization.
buckeyemike Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 JoeSixPack said: I second that. I can't express with appropriate words the heartfelt admiration I have for the UK and her people. They are the best of what's good in Western Civilization. 426541[/snapback] Whatever Joe Six Pack says goes double for me. So call me "Mike 12 Pack" then... Mike
Guffalo Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 buckeyemike said: Whatever Joe Six Pack says goes double for me. So call me "Mike 12 Pack" then... Mike 426578[/snapback] Funny that he bills himself as Joe Six Pack, yet has the shape of Joe Keg...... Just Kidding
plenzmd1 Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Nick in England said: Before a speech on Anti-Social Behaviour just now, Prime Minister Tony Blair said Britain offers its 'sympathy, solidarity, prayers and thoughts' to the people of the Gulf Coast of America. He said he offered President Bush 'whatever support is necessary' during a conversation last night. 426448[/snapback] Being in the UK quite often, I have been wondering over the past few days how the UK citizens and government would respond in a crisis like this. My gut tells me we have had it so easy in this country, and have been mighty blessed to have it be so, that our collective soul has no idea how to respond. It also tells me the mass rioting, looting, loss of control would not happen there, and the refugees would somehow be working together, and with the authorities, to find solutions .
udonkey Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Props to Tony Blair and the UK - tried and true, our greatest friends in the world.
nick in* england Posted September 2, 2005 Author Posted September 2, 2005 plenzmd1 said: Being in the UK quite often, I have been wondering over the past few days how the UK citizens and government would respond in a crisis like this. My gut tells me we have had it so easy in this country, and have been mighty blessed to have it be so, that our collective soul has no idea how to respond. It also tells me the mass rioting, looting, loss of control would not happen there, and the refugees would somehow be working together, and with the authorities, to find solutions . 426617[/snapback] Yeah I have a feeling that the old British Stiff Upper Lip would come in. I think over here you would see every church hall, sally army hospice, town hall, and school hall packed with old ladies making tea and cakes for the homeless and lots of builders setting aside their Sun newspapers for a few days to help the relief effort... Don't kid yourselves though - we have just the same problems as you have and others besides. What we don't have is such large densities of poor/lower economic status population in high-risk areas. So who knows.
BillsWatch Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 plenzmd1 said: . It also tells me the mass rioting, looting, loss of control would not happen there, and the refugees would somehow be working together, and with the authorities, to find solutions . 426617[/snapback] No rioting like in soccer games? Not likely. The UK is not as divided ethically and economically as US but they still have their issues. There would be less of it because they are less divided (the US's diversity is its greatest strength and weakness) and because distances are smaller hence less talking heads unconnected to problem.
sweet baboo Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Nick in England said: Don't kid yourselves though - we have just the same problems as you have and others besides. What we don't have is such large densities of poor/lower economic status population in high-risk areas. So who knows. 426639[/snapback] aren't chavs becoming quite an issue?
nick in* england Posted September 2, 2005 Author Posted September 2, 2005 collegeguy said: aren't chavs becoming quite an issue? 426652[/snapback] Oh indeed. Chavs are scum.
sweet baboo Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 can you describe what they are? i keep hearing how scary these guys are, but I can't quite get a good description of what they look like or what they stand for...supposedly they're not gangsters and are really weird looking?
nick in* england Posted September 2, 2005 Author Posted September 2, 2005 collegeguy said: can you describe what they are? i keep hearing how scary these guys are, but I can't quite get a good description of what they look like or what they stand for...supposedly they're not gangsters and are really weird looking? 426677[/snapback] hahah ok sure A chav is easily spotted. A guy chav will usually have close cropped hair, shaved around the sides and slightly longer up top. He'll wear a large, cheap earring in one, possibly two ears and almost certain to wear a cheap, chunky blingy neck chain and similar wrist chain. He'll be likely to have at least 3 sovereign rings on either hand. He will be wearing a designer branded shirt - probably Ralph Lauren, Burberry or Dior and definately addidas running pants (4-sripe variety because he got them from the market). These pants will have zippers up the lower leg, or poppers, that will be worn open halfway up the calf. He'll probably be wearing some kind of Puma Sprint white trainers or tan rockport boots and a flimsy designer cap (clasically a burberry tartan cap) or a shell-suit material cap made by Nike or Adidas. Chav men will usually be spotted 'hanging around' town centres, parks or public transport hubs drinking cheap cider and smoking cheap cigarettes. Girl chavs wear a similar assortment of clothes and jewellery but will have shoulder length hair scraped back into a high pony tail and are likely to have a good deal more cheap ear, nose or eyebrow piercings. They also normally have a baby at a very young age which will be dressed in all manner or fake designer clobber and certainly expensive footwear - Nike booties and the like. Does this help? Try for more...
Dan Gross Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Nick in England said: hahah ok sure A chav is easily spotted. 426690[/snapback] The Urban dictionary has some interesting definitions...pretty much along with what you said, except a bit more colourful. PG for language.
nick in* england Posted September 2, 2005 Author Posted September 2, 2005 another couple of good links... Chavtowns is funny at times - but you have to know the towns to get it.
swede316 Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Quote Of all the nations in the world, Britain is the one America can rely on the most. Australia is pretty much a tie i think.
sweet baboo Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 wow...until now, i only knew of the existence of the male chav... female chavs! mindblowing!
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