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Wild and Crazy Brits

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Ok as many of you have noticed I like to post things that I find on the internet. I suffer from insomnia hell Christian Bales Character in the Machinest dont have sh-- on me. So here is another video I have found. British soldiers just before rotating back to Britain they made this video. Very creative I think. All that sun and they are still lilly white .... <_<


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Funny story with that video...


Some of you know i work for the MoD over here. That video started circulating around our email system a couple of months back. It was a 50MB file back then, fresh out of Iraq.


Well - once 3000 people in your head office start passign a 50MB email to all of their friends it can cause havoc - our entire IT system completely shut down as a result. The video made the papers for being the biggest computer crash in the MoD in years!!!

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