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Home heating oil price's this year ??


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Last year's cost to heat my home cost me $800.oo, and that's itth thermostat set at 62 degree's and wearing sweaters.... I had to fill my oiltank four time's, each one costing $200.00.......Two week's ago I filled the oiltank and it cost $400.oo, and I will easily need to do it three more times at that rate cost will be $1600.00 this year......Now with this hurricane that hit monday gas in my area went from $2.70 a gallon to $3.20 a gallon, home heating oil going up to what and for how long??? I grimaced at the thougt of paying $1600.00 and now I see that's the least I will pay...Hey man, between my work van costing $150.00 a week in gas, and my home heating bill doubling and hopefully not trippling,I will need to takeout a loan to heat my house....... I Will need to cut further my spending in order to maintain the house, or sell the house and move south to a warmer climate,because this is becoming a joke.......

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Last year's cost to heat my home cost me $800.oo, and that's itth  thermostat set at 62 degree's and wearing sweaters.... I had to fill my oiltank four time's, each one costing $200.00.......Two week's ago I filled the oiltank and it cost $400.oo, and I will easily need to do it three more times at that rate cost will be $1600.00 this year......Now with this hurricane that hit monday gas in my area went from $2.70 a gallon  to $3.20 a gallon, home heating oil going up to what and for how long??? I grimaced at the thougt of paying $1600.00 and now I see that's the least I will pay...Hey man, between my work van costing $150.00 a week in gas, and my home heating bill doubling and hopefully not trippling,I will need to takeout a loan to heat  my house....... I Will need to cut further my spending in order to maintain the house, or sell the house and move south to a warmer climate,because this is becoming a joke.......



Invest in a good wood-burning stove.


Seriously. They're supposed to work pretty well.

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This hurricane that wiped out the gulf states and the ability to refine fuel and deliver to the rest of the country is sending fuel prices up, way up. I am seriously looking into a woodstove to heat the home, because the fuel cost with oil is going beyond my mean's financially!! The people down south I hope will recover from this storm and they will, New Orlean's unfortunately appear's to be ruined and will take year's to be rebuilt ?? As for moving south to reduce my heating cost, or a woodstove, solar panel's nice idea, I do not know the cost to buy and setup, and maybe the solution longterm as far less labor to heat the house and overall cost compared to a woodstove....I understand most people are watching the situation in New Orlean's right now, and no doubt it's destroyed as with those people's live's but not to sound callous I think this catostrophy along with escalating fuel price's is going to change this country for better or worse!!! We have had it pretty good now for 15 year's ,yeah I know we had a recession in the early 90's and 2001 till 2004, this last one was not too bad, at least in my line of work I have been busy, low mortgage interest rates kept house building job's employed....This look's familiar to the eighties when the housing prices went wayup and then collapsed due to speculators in realestate and the stockmarket ,and when that bubble burst we gradually went into country wide recession...It seem's we are going the same route again. Housing market's are wayup and speculation is rampant...I am no economist,it just seem's familliar. I hope this storm is not the catalyst I think it is.....If this country doesn't find a way to slow the cost of fuel and fix whatever they say is the problem,supply,refining capability,or in my opinion the people pumping the oil out of the ground and gouging us, their only way of retribution to us for attacking iraq along with our severly limited refining capabilities now due to the storm....I hope I am wrong and these comparison's do not result in a reccesion,because that one in the early nineties was bad...I say to myself you just pound nail's for a living and the people with the college degree's running the town's,the states,the country will be able to steer this in the right direction... I think the situation we are now in is like being at the precipice ,right now is the time for the goverment, the citizen's of this country to be prepared a little bit better... And I will do that by trying to elimanate or conserve my use of oil,to heat my house, unfortunately I need to run the work van, can not do my job without it, Other then that it's up to oil buisness to reign in the price allready,come on we have seen the price of gas go from $1.20 a gallon to $3.30, in four year's,when is the price going to stabilize or go down.... Or maybe this is the way it is now and I should quit complaining and move to the amish tradition of horse and buggy....

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fwiw, i saw deisel fuel still in the 2.70 range today, deisel is similar to heating oil, so i do not know what will happen


Last year's cost to heat my home cost me $800.oo, and that's itth  thermostat set at 62 degree's and wearing sweaters.... I had to fill my oiltank four time's, each one costing $200.00.......Two week's ago I filled the oiltank and it cost $400.oo, and I will easily need to do it three more times at that rate cost will be $1600.00 this year......Now with this hurricane that hit monday gas in my area went from $2.70 a gallon  to $3.20 a gallon, home heating oil going up to what and for how long??? I grimaced at the thougt of paying $1600.00 and now I see that's the least I will pay...Hey man, between my work van costing $150.00 a week in gas, and my home heating bill doubling and hopefully not trippling,I will need to takeout a loan to heat  my house....... I Will need to cut further my spending in order to maintain the house, or sell the house and move south to a warmer climate,because this is becoming a joke.......


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yeah that will only cost you $10,000 dollars to get done.


I would invest in solar panel's, if I felt comfortable with are they going to work up here in the northeast during the winter when we have a lot of overcast day's, and the possibility of the economy slowing down due to the fuel cost, hurricane disaster making a bad situation worse ,I do not want to risk investment,that may hurt more than it help's.... As I mentioned in my previous post this remind's of the recession in the early nineties and I witnessed foreclosures, because people could not pay the mortgage and they sell their house at $50.ooo loss they are responceble for /bankruptsy .......So being stuck in the proverbial rock and a hard place I will purchase a woodstove,made that decision after I drove by the gas station today and regular gas $3.80 and I would say home heating oil will follow, so as for a projected $700.00 increase this year , right now that seem's premature....I know europe was paying approximately $ 4.oo agallon when we were paying $1.20 four year's ago, so what the hell they paying now $7.oo....I know what I want for christmas, gift certifacate's to a gas station.... unbelievable,

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