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Anderson Cooper

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And the whole "Nobody's doing anything about this corpse, so I'll exploit it for a photo op" thing...  :blink:


That wasn't Anderson Cooper with the corpse thing, it was that other guy, I think he was on Fox.... Smith? I don't know alot of their names... I don't watch alot of cable news.

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While I admire those on the ground who are helping the situation, I have absolutley no problems with the press challenging FEMA and LA/NO goverment officials. While massive operations take time, there is no excuse for the head of FEMA to be ignorant of the large masses that were gathering at the Superdome. These victims (those who couldn't leave the city) deserve much better than this.

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That wasn't Anderson Cooper with the corpse thing, it was that other guy, I think he was on Fox.... Smith? I don't know alot of their names... I don't watch alot of cable news.



That's right, that was Smith. Cooper was being an !@#$ on other topics last night. "But senator, do you have anything to say about the lack of federal response?" "The federal response has been tremendous." "But do you have anything to say about the lack of federal response?" :P


Best coverage I've seen so far has been from the Weather Channel. All their reporters seem to have the attitude of "We don't have an agenda, we don't have axes to grind, we just report the !@#$ing weather."

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Shep Smith was standing on an elevated highway with a corpse in the background and his sad face on. His over-dramatization was pathetic and it was the lead in to Bill OReilly. OReilly started interviewing Smith and Smith just kept up the drama to the point where he wasn't even answering questions. He was talking about "armageddon in the streets" etc.


At the end, OReilly says "Shep, I hope you get the best reporting award they have" in a very sarcastic tone and you could see Smith's face just fall. It was funny to see Fox's own reporter get called out by one of their own hosts.


Reporters with an agenda are pathetic.



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I am awakening to that fact as we speak. This whole "emergency response" is disgusting. No more excuses, our government is failing us.



The amount that people fail to understand the defined role of government in the United States Of America never ceases to amaze me.

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