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I've had it with this "Blame" crap


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You friggin' Bush apologist.  Where do you get off telling us what to think?  I'm not saying this is Bush's fault...but if this idiotic country had elected Kerry, New Orleans would still be destroyed, but all the people would at least be safe.



This may be the most idiotic statement I have EVER heard. Democrat or Republican... does it matter? This is a HUMAN tragedy.


I've sat back and just read the comments on this board to this point without responding, but idiocy like this screams at me to respond.


These jacka**es that stayed in NO had a choice. They made that choice willingly. The liberals say, "they are poor or infirm and had no place to go." CRAP!


If I told you tomorrow that I was going to drop a nuclear bomb on your city, would you evacuate? I guarantee that every one of these poor, infirm or cantankerous persons would leave immediately. Money is not an issue in situations like this... GET THE FUGG OUT!


A Cat 5 Hurricane IS a nuclear bomb, without the radioactive fallout. These people were warned 5 days in advance and were issued a DEMAND ORDER to evacuate the city. They chose to stay... should I feel sorry for them?


I feel for the children and the elderly. They had no choice. As for the able bodied adults that would have walked a hundred miles or more in 5 days to avoid a nuclear blast, but instead stayed because "I'm going to ride this out, it's just a hurricane"... if you're an idiot, your an idiot... a few less idiots for the next generation gene pool and a few less leaches on society in my opinion.



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