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Why is it that whenever anyone criticizes Bush his supporters bring up Clinton?  Keep fighting this tired fight it's really productive.  The elite of this country are laughing at you because you are so easy to manipulate.





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The next time I care what the "elites" of this country think will be the first time.





Very ironic... This comment in itself isn't elitist?




I will give you a pass being a Patsy fan in all.



Lots of insults, but nothing addressing the point from the zombies. 

This is not about politics or policies, it's about whether the president understands a great PR opportunity & seizes the moment, energizing the American public.  It doesn't matter who or what party the president is.  In the same vein, there should be (the rich) senators & congresspeople doing their best to both contribute & let the public know they have. 

I don't know whether he contributed anything or not, that's not the point.  The point is a leader contributes & announces it to get the public excited about it.


If he had announced a personal contribution, then you'd have tons of people screaming about him trying to capitalize on the tragedy.


I really find it hard to believe that there are people in this country who are thinking about donating to the relief effort that are saying: "boy, if only the president would give money; then I could".


I also seem to recall there being billions of dollars donated and successful blood drives after 9/11, and I don't recall (maybe I just missed it) hearing about W making a personal donation. My guess is that he did donate as did millions of other Americans, but I don't recall him making a big deal out of it.



Loved it when Clinton didn't show up after the 1st Trade Center bombing. Loved it when Clinton didn't visit the Oklahoma City bombing site.  Loved it when Clinton refused to speak with the loved ones of those killed in Waco. Loved it when the always-talkative Bill was mum about Elian Gonzales, except for "I've tried to do everything I can to stay out of it,'' he said in Washington, where he spoke before the American Society of Newspaper Editors.".


Short memory? Oh yeah, I forgot..Government by focus group...don't want to hurt that popularity, eh?



I find it odd that you list Clinton's actions wrt Elian Gonzalez, which I consider the one morally correct thing that he did during his administration. Ironically, it almost certainly cost Gore the presidential election.

Elian belonged with his father, not the hot (and I do mean effing hot) beautician, not the "unemployed fisherman." This was the man's son S I C! Other than evidence of child abuse, this kid needed to be given back to his father. Imagine if he was your son!

To this day I am surprised that Clinton did something this noble. I guess he simply figured that it was not HIS political future at stake with the influential Cuban vote in Florida. :D

Either way, he did the right thing, and I don't see how one could even possibly dispute this.

These posts are so tiresome, it's not even funny.


How do you KNOW he hasn't contributed anything?


We know he hasn't LEAD - for someone who propped himself up as the protector of this country (I'm still trying to figure out ANYBODY really believed that after he disappeared for several hours after 9/11 and ignored daily press briefings that warned of the catastrophe) he has looked like a deer in the headlights this week - excuse me, that is a deer in the tailights.

Loved it when Clinton didn't show up after the 1st Trade Center bombing. Loved it when Clinton didn't visit the Oklahoma City bombing site.  Loved it when Clinton refused to speak with the loved ones of those killed in Waco. Loved it when the always-talkative Bill was mum about Elian Gonzales, except for "I've tried to do everything I can to stay out of it,'' he said in Washington, where he spoke before the American Society of Newspaper Editors.".


Short memory? Oh yeah, I forgot..Government by focus group...don't want to hurt that popularity, eh?


I got mad at Clinton about a lot of things, but Clinton spoke at the Oklahoma City victims memoria service and his administration extracted Elian Gonzales and sent him back to Cuba - pretty strong statement to me.

Why is it whenenver anything bad happens, folks will take the opportunity to play the BUSH BAD card despite the absence of facts?


what absence of facts are you referring to here - for crying out loud, his own party members had to force the guy back to DC last week - are you kidding me?

When's the last time a president dropped everything to plan relief efforts? 


And note I didn't say "the day before the storm hit."  I said "the day before New Orleans went to sh--".  Important distinction...New Orleans didn't die until a while after the storm passed.  You're really complaining that, on the day of a weather event, the president kept to his schedule just like every other president in history did in the same situation.  <_<


yeah, but other presidents had not appointed a friggin' horse trader to lead fema either!

Who, as head of FEMA, responded to well over 80 declared emergencies in the past without anyone complaining.




And then there's this:

But the dim view of Brown’s qualifications by senators seems to have emerged only in hindsight. Members of both parties seemed little troubled by his background at 2002 Senate hearings that led to his confirmation as deputy FEMA chief.


As FEMA chief, Brown has pressed for greater attention to natural disaster planning, including strategies for a major hurricane in New Orleans, and he has had to contend with cuts to FEMA’s budget.


But as the enormity of the Gulf Coast damage gradually came into clearer focus, Brown did not help his case with a number of comments seen as insensitive or ill-advised. For example, he acknowledged last week that he didn’t know there were some 20,000 evacuees enduring heinous conditions at the New Orleans convention center until a day after their difficulties had been widely reported in the news.


ABC’s Ted Koppel was incredulous as he asked Brown, “Don’t you guys watch television? Don’t you guys listen to the radio?”


“Forgive me for beating up on you there,” Koppel later told Brown, “but you are the only guy from the federal government who is coming out to take your medicine.”

Written by the Associated Press of all people!
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