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No it's not partisan.  Perhaps you should look up the meaning.  Believing that Bush is a bad President and a horrible leader for this country does not make me partisan.  There are plenty Democrats as well as Republicans that I would love to see in jail for pillaging this country.  Seriously take a look at the definition and tell me how my post was partisan.



No, repeating "Bush bad" ad nauseam makes you partisan. "Bush is bad because..." followed by a concrete example of poor job performance that's at least peripherally grounded in reality (i.e. not "...because he said 'Mission Accomplished' on an aircraft carrier wearing a flightsuit") might prompt a lot less flack.


Notice no one's taking EII to task for his Bush-bashing. It might have something to do with him saying "Bush is bad...because his short-sighted budget slashed the funding for the maintenance of the New Orleans' levee system." It's called "having a point". Give it a try sometime.


I didn't actually see or read Bush's speech, but the people to admire are the ones who don't advertise their benevolence.


People are defined by what they do when no one is looking.


Other than that, I haven't heard too many good things about his speech.


Bush addressed the nation this afternoon when he introduced Presidents Clinton and Bush 41 and their renewed efforts to help raise proper funds for those in need.


But it only counts if its in prime time?

Loved it when Clinton didn't show up after the 1st Trade Center bombing. Loved it when Clinton didn't visit the Oklahoma City bombing site.  Loved it when Clinton refused to speak with the loved ones of those killed in Waco. Loved it when the always-talkative Bill was mum about Elian Gonzales, except for "I've tried to do everything I can to stay out of it,'' he said in Washington, where he spoke before the American Society of Newspaper Editors.".


Short memory? Oh yeah, I forgot..Government by focus group...don't want to hurt that popularity, eh?



I thought we were talking about Bush? What's Clinon got to do with it. Of course those statements are false.

If this was an election year George Bush would have addressed the nation from the top of the Superdome after parachuting in with a case of Aquafina under each arm.




If this was an election year George Bush would have addressed the nation from the top of the Superdome after parachuting in with a case of Aquafina under each arm.



OK. That's pretty effing funny.


Oh yeah the Clinton bashing is so friggin routine. Bush screws up again and it's somehow Clintons fault. You rightees always accuse the left of dinking cool-aid and eating hot pockets however your responses are all so predictable. :)



Loved it when Clinton didn't show up after the 1st Trade Center bombing. Loved it when Clinton didn't visit the Oklahoma City bombing site.  Loved it when Clinton refused to speak with the loved ones of those killed in Waco. Loved it when the always-talkative Bill was mum about Elian Gonzales, except for "I've tried to do everything I can to stay out of it,'' he said in Washington, where he spoke before the American Society of Newspaper Editors.".


Short memory? Oh yeah, I forgot..Government by focus group...don't want to hurt that popularity, eh?


Oh yeah the Clinton bashing is so friggin routine. Bush screws up again and it's somehow Clintons fault. You rightees always accuse the left of dinking cool-aid and eating hot pockets however your responses are all so predictable. :)




But yet there are so many clinton!@#$s that play it the same way. So whos right?


No President is beyond reproach, anyone that thinks that way should have their head looked at. But, who here will say that their man is or was wrong?




But yet there are so many clinton!@#$s that play it the same way. So whos right?


No President is beyond reproach, anyone that thinks that way should have their head looked at. But, who here will say that their man is or was wrong?




Sorry but I do not remember during the various witch hunts in the eight years of the Clinton admin. constant references to George Bush or even Mr. Reagan in attempts to deflect criticism from Mr. Clinton. However, the right wing machine is in full attack mode today. If it's not the Mayors fault, (after all he called out the admin), it's the Governors fault, or maybe it's the Democratic members of Congress. That's it Ted Kennedy caused this mess, or better yet it's all Hillary's fault.

Then what do you think?  What is your big solution, hot shot?  Yeah, he bungled things.  He didn't do....something....


Perhaps we could all agree at least that hiring Michael Brown in 2001, initially as deputy director then as director of FEMA, was a poor decision given that his prior experience was as general counsel for the International Arabian Horse Association, a job from which he was reportedly fired as being a total disaster. This is the same guy who had no idea, as of thursday, that there were thousands huddled at the New Orleans convention center barely surviving, something anyone who had been watching CNN knew.


I don't hold the president responsible for a natural disaster and have no idea whether gutting the budget for the Corps of Engineers in NO made any difference at all but at the same time, Bush is not a divine entity sent from on high to deliver us. He does make mistakes and is not above legit. criticism. Hiring a fired lawyer from a horse association to run FEMA is an action worthy of critical review.

Sorry but I do not remember during the various witch hunts in the eight years of the Clinton admin. constant references to George Bush or even Mr. Reagan in attempts to deflect criticism from Mr. Clinton. However, the right wing machine is in full attack mode today. If it's not the Mayors fault, (after all he called out the admin), it's the Governors fault, or maybe it's the Democratic members of Congress. That's it Ted Kennedy caused this mess, or better yet it's all Hillary's fault.


Damn that Hillary. I knew she was behind this. This whole flood has the obvious earmarks of a democratic conspiracy to sabotage Bush's poll numbers. What fiends. :)

Damn that Hillary.  I knew she was behind this.  This whole flood has the obvious earmarks of a democratic conspiracy to sabotage Bush's poll numbers.  What fiends. :P



Yeah, I'm sure they decided they should bury him so they conjured up a hurricane, and then they gave his cabinet sleeping pills, then they took their finger out of the hle in the dike, then they died on the roofs of their own houses.......Sorry I forgot that Louisiana and Mississippi and Alabama are all RED States :)


Well I'll say it and I am a Republican and Bush supporter/voter. A glorious opportunity was missed by the Administration to practice "compassionate conservativism " and reach out to groups of Americans (not refugees) that are frequently underrepresented in the GOPs big tent. President Bush, to his credit is an excellent crises leader, he's inspired me and others who are actively engaged in American initiatives overseas. This same leadership came late with regards to Katrina and this vacuum of leadership was further crippled because some Administration Emergency leaders failed him, ie. FEMA Director. Leadership is courage when the outcome of your actions are unknown but desperately needed.

Well I'll say it and I am a Republican and Bush supporter/voter. A glorious opportunity was missed by the Administration to practice "compassionate conservativism " and reach out to groups of Americans (not refugees) that are frequently underrepresented in the GOPs big tent. President Bush, to his credit is an excellent crises leader, he's inspired me and others who are actively engaged in American initiatives overseas. This same leadership came late with regards to Katrina and this vacuum of leadership was further crippled because some Administration Emergency leaders failed him, ie. FEMA Director. Leadership is courage when the outcome of your actions are unknown but desperately needed.


Funny thing is, in a debate with Gore back in 2000, Bush praised James Lee Witt, the FEMA director appointed by Clinton. Witt did a great job and elevated FEMA from a backwater for political hacks to an effective and efficient agency. Clinton elevated the position to the cabinet level. As much as Bush praised Witt, he didn't keep him on. The current director was fired from his last job as an attorney for the International Arabian Horse Association. FEMA was also downgraded and folded into Homeland Security. You can't just blame the FEMA director for being incompetent, Bush hired him despite his lack of qualifications when there was an experienced, proven director available.


Headline today: "Thousands Await Help, While Feds Shift Blame... Bush administration officials blame state and local authorities for failure of the country's response."


Headline tomorrow: "When Did Bush Stop Beating His Wife?"

So your bitching about Bush isn't partisan? If my post was cookie cutter yours was the whole damn bakery.



Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I'm using that as one of my sig's.

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