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Looks like it's game over on the whole "Evolution vs. Creationism" thing, eh?


Here's the MSNBC story....Rootin', Tootin', Evolutin'


Darwin's claim confirmed

Researchers said the chimp/human comparison served as the most dramatic confirmation yet of Charles Darwin's claim in 1871 that humans and chimpanzees had a common ancestor. Today, scientists believe that the most recent common ancestor lived 6 million years ago.


"I couldn't imagine Darwin hoping for a stronger confirmation of his ideas than when we see the comparison of the human and chimpanzee genome," Waterston told reporters during a Washington news conference.

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Looks like it's game over on the whole "Evolution vs. Creationism" thing, eh? 


Here's the MSNBC story....Rootin', Tootin', Evolutin'


Yup, that's proof all right. Since Darwin's theory looks more and more true, there is simply no way that life in general could have been created. Just a random assortment of molecules.

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