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Sports Illustrated Preview

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I think Dr. Z invest too much belief that a tean needs a drop-dead QB in order to win. It certainly helps, but for (and when) the Bills to win this year it is going to be with Losman producing fairly Bledsoe like reults. Just as our team pulled off the win streak last year with Bledsoe performing adequately at best and sometimes stinking up the place, I hope and expect the Bills to win a lot this year with Losman producing adequate numbers and sometimes stinking up the place as almost all young QBs do.

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THis guy is on some serious stuff...


Oakland #25? Carolina #2? Cleveland ahead of...anybody?


I too can pull cities out of a hat and rank them...


1. Denver

2. New Orlenas

3. Detroit

4. New England

5. Philadelphia

6. St. Louis

7. Miami

8. New Orlenas

9. Dallas

10. Pittsburgh


There...thats my top 10...better than this guy's.

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THis guy is on some serious stuff...


Oakland #25?  Carolina #2?  Cleveland ahead of...anybody?


I too can pull cities out of a hat and rank them...


1. Denver

2. New Orlenas

3. Detroit

4. New England

5. Philadelphia

6. St. Louis

7. Miami

8. New Orlenas

9. Dallas

10. Pittsburgh


There...thats my top 10...better than this guy's.





Where do they play? :rolleyes:

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Isnt having Dr. Z pick us low a GOOD thing?  I remember hearing people complain last year whenever Dr. Z predicted us to win, because it usually meant we would lose big time.


That is correct. I remember that well.

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I'm not sure there is enough room in New Orlenas for two teams. Is there enough fan interest? Maybe one of them should move to L.A. angel.gif


Oops. My mistake. Musta put that ball back in the hopeer. The 2nd New Orleans (or New Orlenas if you will) is now Kansas City.

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Has Dr. Z moved to New Zealand yet?  Until then, he'd nothing but a blowhard.



On the contrary, he's the most football knowledgeable writer that I've seen in the national media. Not liking the way somebody predicts things will go does not equate to the guy being a "blowhard". The guy watches more tape than anybody out there who is not named Jaws or employed by a NFL team.


No matter how somebody's list looks there are going to be people that think its f'in dumb. I actually like his list, at least its something different. He predicts some surprises and doesn't think the same old teams will end up in the SB. Do I agree with it all? Nope, but I can disagree with people without thinking they’re idiots.

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On the contrary, he's the most football knowledgeable writer that I've seen in the national media.  Not liking the way somebody predicts things will go does not equate to the guy being a "blowhard".  The guy watches more tape than anybody out there who is not named Jaws or employed by a NFL team.


No matter how somebody's list looks there are going to be people that think its f'in dumb.  I actually like his list, at least its something different.  He predicts some surprises and doesn't think the same old teams will end up in the SB.  Do I agree with it all?  Nope, but I can disagree with people without thinking they’re idiots.



I could understand your point if I was trashing Dr. Z's football knowledge, but I wasn't. Nor was I calling him an idiot based on his football knowledge. Ya see, last year in one of his columns during the weeks leading up to the election, he swore that he'd move to New Zealand if Bush got re-elected. OK, cool.


I don't know why you read his columns, but I wasn't reading his football column to get his opinion of our President. Rather I was reading his column to get his opinion on that week in the NFL. Make sense?


Lamb chops - what's for dinner.

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This is funny as there was a thread a couple days ago and I will find it where everyone swore Z is one of the most respected football guys out there and you guys rely on his opinion. But when it isn't what you want, its "Z is a moron".





Too funny. Look beyond our own players people. Some of these teams are pretty damn good on paper.

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Once again, Barnum was right... :rolleyes:



Barnum never said that. It was actually David Hannum, a sideshow rival.


Dr. Z is good at breaking down plays while telling what happened and which stats are important (there was an article last year where he pointed out one guy's version of the QB rating that did make more sense and was compiled based on viewing every play of every game) and what they really mean. As for when he gets into prognostication, that's where everyone has their own opinions, usually based on 20 percent fact and 80 percent 'I think X might happen, so I'll fit them in here; what the hey.'

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My sense is Dr. Z's just being somewhat outrageous/a gadfly on this. I've heard him say that pre-season pronostication is plain stupid, but it's an expected part of the job for a sportswriter, so he has to do it. Doubt he put much effort into his analysis.


In other words, it's good for lining the bird cage with two weeks from now...

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Dr. Z is the absolute worst.  I am not even talking about him ranking the Bills at 19.  I am talking about him saying the boys will be 10 - 6, the Ravens at 11-5 with Boller at QB, and the Packers, Lions, and Rams ranked ahead of us!  Thats nuts!





Lions, Packers, Ravens oh my! Over us???? You gotta be kidding Dr. Z.

What a joke.

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Dr. Z is the absolute worst.  I am not even talking about him ranking the Bills at 19.  I am talking about him saying the boys will be 10 - 6, the Ravens at 11-5 with Boller at QB, and the Packers, Lions, and Rams ranked ahead of us!  Thats nuts!





Doubters can doubt all they want. Like Jack Nickalous says "You can't just talk a good game, you have to play it." (That might be the Royal Bank of Scotland).

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