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Attended Bills Practice At The Ralph Today

Mark VI

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Lancaster Steve and I went to lunch at the Ralph. ( Premium seat perk ) After stuffing our face with chicken fingers and sweets, we quickly moved outside, just as practice began. Lasted 2 1/2 hours.




1. Losman is a work in progress. Somewhat off on his timing but has all the tools. Hit some nice throws on the rollouts and showed the cannon arm. Looks real good throwing the slant over the middle. Has a tendency to try and aim the ball at times, which results in him throwing too far in front of the receiver. Other times, he just relaxes and throws a perfect strike without aiming. He's his own worst enemy at times and just needs to relax.


2. We are quite fortunate to have Holcomb. He looks so sharp and poised. Doesn't hesitate and lays the ball right on the numbers. Doesn't have Losmans arm but hits the receivers perfectly every time


3. Krumrie is still insane as always. Showing the DL how to pop the OL high, once they get them off balance. Was working them hard.


4. RB Lionel Gates - This guy can show a good burst inside and out. Turned the corner with ease on one play, just blowing by the LB. Another time he burst up the middle, beating the LB to the hole. Nice 7th round drafting.


5. Haddad catches everything. Even bad throws. If he can't make this team as the last WR, something isn't right. I saw J. Smith and Aiken drop some balls. It's about production and he deserves a shot.


6. Saw Spikes throwing the ball with injured Kevin Everett. Everett would catch a whole bunch one handed, like the ball was a golf ball in his enormous hands. Did it like it was nothing. I realize this means little to some but I'll remember that down the road. Later saw Everett stretching with the team. Parrish was on the sidelines walking around and also sticking his head into the huddles for calls.


7. George Wilson runs nice routes and catches everything. Hmmm...


8. Greer and King look very good at CB. McGee looks better every week. TD will not break the bank for Nate.


TD - to me, he's fascinating to watch. His intimidating presence is noted by everyone on the field. He usually stands 20 yards away from everyone in his white shirt and tie, just observing. Then he'll approach certain players and coaches to speak. He's hardly making small talk.

He spent a good half hour talking to Jerry Gray. Was very animated in what he had to say about something. He and Gray looked like they were having a rather healthy discussion. Arms waving and hardly a calm conversation.

Steve and I did note one obvious piece of body language by TD. When Rian Lindell was practicing FG's in the scoreboard end, TD never took his eye off of one kick..not one. He eventually moved right up to Lindell, almost standing in his personal space not 3 feet from him, ( just off to the right, clearly in his field of vision ) , as Dorenbos hiked the ball back to Moorman and Lindell practiced his kicks. He was practicing between 33-42 yards. TD never said one word to Lindell but gave him the look that could cut through steel. Every kick by Lindell was followed by TD's eyes from kick until it hit the net. This went on for 20 + minutes. He then moved directly behind him and watched for another 10 minutes, eventually moving over to the Offense when their actual drills started. I think Lindell got the message loud and clear.


We sat up in the Van Miller Club to get a good view of the whole field. Van himself sat right in front of us. His health is fair but his mind is still sharp. His wife and longtime friend and producer, Dick Dobmeir, were with him.


Practice ended and the players came over to the front row to sign for everyone. People later were let onto the field to run around but we took off. I stopped at Sullys Sportwear at Southwestern & Abbott and picked up a couple golf shirts with the standing Buffalo, plus a throwback T-shirt. Far cheaper than the Bills store.


That's a wrap. My new adopted daughter is babbling something in Russian and pointing towards our swings out back. Time to play Daddy. :rolleyes:

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Great report Mark.


At SJF Takeo would load the jugs machine for Everett also.


George Wilson makes this club....I said to him....do you ever miss one....His answer ...With these guys here I can't afford too.


Haddad....He has to make the club. He worked his ass of at SJF. He make great catches and would lie on the ground groaning at the hit he took but he'd bounce back. It seems like the WR's and DB's really like Haddad also.


Gates is also chisled. Nice kid also. He runs hard seems to have great instincts and can get outside and gone if he needs to.

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Lancaster Steve and I went to lunch at the Ralph. ( Premium seat perk )  After stuffing our face with chicken fingers and sweets, we quickly moved outside, just as practice began. Lasted 2 1/2 hours. 


Thanks for the report. I wanted to be there but I had already purchased tix for tonight's BB King show.

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Lancaster Steve and I went to lunch at the Ralph. ( Premium seat perk )  After stuffing our face with chicken fingers and sweets, we quickly moved outside, just as practice began. 



What? No fried Bologna? an outrage!

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Haddad catches everything. Even bad throws. If he can't make this team as the last WR, something isn't right. I saw J. Smith and Aiken drop some balls. It's about production and he deserves a shot.



With Lou Piccone on the team - I smell SUPERBOWL!!!

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Everett would catch a whole bunch one handed, like the ball was a golf ball in his enormous hands. Did it like it was nothing.



Of all the good that came from the off-season group EMoulds has worked with over the years, the worst thing has been the one handed catch drill. It's primary value is in circumstances when a defender holds an arm out of the play, but a few players, none moreso than Eric, use one hand on some catches even when both of his hands are free. It drives me nuts to see that drill get bastardized by players and even worse when ESPN and the other highlight shows play unnecessary one-handers over and over like it's some kind of achievement instead of the LAM catch it really exemplifies.

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