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The Official Katrina Aftermath Thread


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they should condemn the city, tear down the levies and let nature take its course.


FEMA can pay for the lot and insurance can pay to build a new house, somewhere other than below sea-level.




After reading this I am not so sure that that isn't the right way to go.




I mean, you are talking pollution here that might be unmatched in our lifetime. Man, I just do not know the answer here. I know if I was one of those who lived in NO on the margin so to speak, there would be just nothing left to go back to. Just pack up and start new somewhere. What are you goiung to go back to in three months, benzene soaked soil, human remains still floating around, no job, just no hope as I see it for those with little to no money and no safety nets

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The north Atlantic has some pretty viscious storms and the resultant surge is what prompted the building of the dykes in the first place wasn't it?


I was writing notes in school and missed that part of my social studies lesson  :D



While that is true, the Dutch also have a good perspective of what they are doing. They have a $20 billion levee system, but they also have realized that much of their land is going to be underwater and have given up the fight for it in those areas.


Those atlantic storms can be nasty, but they've never seen the equivalent of a cat 4 hurricane, at least not one that I can recall.

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Exactly.  The same way Puhonix never mentioned a hurricane coming up the English Channel.



I never said he did. But his point was in relation to Katrina striking N.O. and the fact the Netherlands are below sea level.


Yes, people in low lying areas expect flooding to be a part of their lives. Millions who live along the Mississippi know it's a matter of when, not if there will be another flood. I think this would be a better comparison for the Netherlands.


Are there people in the Netherlands worried about a equivalent cat 4 striking a city with 1.2 million people? Not really. They were faced with hurricane force winds and high tides in 1953 that led to a major flood. The dyke and levee system is far beyond what it was then though and it's not likely to happen again.


They are more concerned about prolonged rains. The last big flood in the Netherlands was in 1995 and guess how many deaths there were. 0. The flood was caused by the rivers, not the sea. Same with one in 1993.


New Orleans will be rebuilt and that $20 billion levee system better be built with it or this will just happen again.

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From CNN


BREAKING NEWS FEMA suspends boat rescue operations in New Orleans because of dangers to rescuers, officials say. Details soon.


Time to bring in the army and shoot the trouble makers on site. If they cause one person to not be rescued and die from their actions, it's justifyed.

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And I'm sure they're worried about a hurricane coming up the English channel.  :D



I think a major storm wiped out parts of Holland in the 1950's? They learned from their mistakes. They got a lot better system of dikes today. <_<


You don't build Cat 3 levees when the Gulf can get to over 90 degrees and the scale goes to Cat 5.


Why not build them to Cat 5 specs?



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And everyone knows that only hurricanes cause floods. :D



In the 1800's before Buffalo built their inner and outer breakwaters a sache (inland tidal wave) wiped out much of Buffalo's waterfront... swept away people in thier sleep... Fill where the Aud stands to about 10 feet.


In NO:


Everybody has abandoned them... There are people dying, babies dead. Only Harry Connick Jr. is there... A musician... Effing musician is the only person of authority left.




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Ya... Shooting people who are ready to die anyway... That will stop people!


:blink:  <_<



Have a better idea? Relief efforts are being hindered because people are getting violent because relief efforts are being hindered...


It pains me greatly to say it...but it's probably going to have to come down to gunfire to restore the situation to anything close to manageable.

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Have a better idea?  Relief efforts are being hindered because people are getting violent because relief efforts are being hindered...


It pains me greatly to say it...but it's probably going to have to come down to gunfire to restore the situation to anything close to manageable.



My bad... Just reread it because it wasn't sure where you were coming from... for some reason, I thought he was talking about the looters.


I agree... The people that are endanging you with weapons or violence should be handled according, possibibly killed.


So sorry, and yes... The pukes hindering rescue ops should get return fire.



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I think it once again goes back to the reason the city was built in the first place. Access to shipping routes....



Off on a tangent... I remember reading that the mouth of the Mississippi would have been "discovered" a least 100 years earlier if it weren't for a monster storm that turned the would be discovers around... I think it was Cortez?


Not that is matters, just thought I would add it.



Back to your regular scheduled program.



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My bad... Just reread it because it wasn't sure where you were coming from... for some reason, I thought he was talking about the looters.


I agree... The people that are endanging you with weapons or violence should be handled according, possibibly killed.


So sorry, and yes... The pukes hindering rescue ops should get return fire.





I was actually kind of hoping you had a better idea, to be perfectly honest. <_<

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I was actually kind of hoping you had a better idea, to be perfectly honest.  :blink:



I can give you one if you want?


Just stop the rescue and evac effort.


Oh, wait that is being down.


Nothing like the "If we can't behave, we will all sit here and have "quality time" together" model being put into practical use.


Legit snapback, legit snapback.

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