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Do you think MM and TC are using base plays....


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based on what i heard last night, i think the gameplan was honestly to experiment with the playbook. Simply looking at the first two games compared to the third, there was a HUGE difference in offensive production. I said it in another post but i'll say it again here... I'm dissapointed in the production last night but i'm far from worried about it.

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Either the play-calling itself, or the QBs execution of it, seemed pretty conservative last night. Lots of short passes and running the ball.


Whether this is a case of MM/TC not wanting to tip their hands, similar to what Gray is doing with the rather vanilla defenses... I don't know. I wouldn't blame them. It's preseason. Twenty-plus guys who won't be on the team two weeks from now shouldn't be shown the little man at the controls.

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