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Putting bears game in perspective


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Disclaimer: I "watched" the game via the play by play through the chat room last night till halftime.



With that being said, i'm VERY pleased that the starting defense finally carried the starting offense. In the other two games, the o was pretty productive as well as the d. I think that the offense playing so far beyond putrid, that it will give a good lesson for MM to teach. I'll watch the replay later, but i can tell you right now, we're going to have a top 3 defense again, and our offense is either holding back on their plays, or they've shown that they're going to be extremely streaky. From what i saw with the no huddle, all the cutesie dump off passes and all the turnovers, was that they were experimenting with the playbook. Hopefully they'll be able to iron out their differences in two weeks.


In summary, this game will show how good of a coach MM really is. He can either go with what he saw, ala gregg williams, or try to fix it by september 11th. All in all though, it wasn't too bad though! If this were a reg. season game, i think the bills would have probably won.

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