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Sopranos Season 5


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I started renting Sopranos discs on Netflix about a year ago. I just received the last disc for season 5 today. I don't know if this particular episode is fresh in anyone's mind, but it's episode 11, "The Test Dream". All I can say is WOW. There is a dream sequence in this episode that runs at least a good 20 minutes, and it's so damn good that it felt like it was MY dream. This is some of the best direction I've seen - EVER.


Color me impressed.

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Color me never, ever getting entertainment by watching the extollation and aggrandizement of an organization that rapes, tortures, murders, etxorts, blackmails, beats, steals, and so forth.


The Mob is hideous, and that tv and Hollywood paints them romantic is so, so wrong. :lol:


No, I willl not "lighten up Francis"... :o

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Color me never, ever getting entertainment by watching the extollation and aggrandizement  of an organization that rapes, tortures, murders, etxorts, blackmails, beats, steals, and so forth.


The Mob is hideous, and that tv and Hollywood paints them romantic is so, so wrong. :lol:


No, I willl not "lighten up Francis"... :o



NOW you tell me.....I'm on Season 5, cincy......too late for me lol

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I started renting Sopranos discs on Netflix about a year ago. I just received the last disc for season 5 today. I don't know if this particular episode is fresh in anyone's mind, but it's episode 11, "The Test Dream". All I can say is WOW. There is a dream sequence in this episode that runs at least a good 20 minutes, and it's so damn good that it felt like it was MY dream.  This is some of the best direction I've seen - EVER. 


Color me impressed.



That was a good episode. That was the onbe where Tony's teeth fall out in his dream right?

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That was a good episode.  That was the onbe where Tony's teeth fall out in his dream right?



Yep, that's the one!

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Color me never, ever getting entertainment by watching the extollation and aggrandizement  of an organization that rapes, tortures, murders, etxorts, blackmails, beats, steals, and so forth.


The Mob is hideous, and that tv and Hollywood paints them romantic is so, so wrong. :lol:


No, I willl not "lighten up Francis"... :o



Duly noted.

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My Sopranos Prediction:

Tony gets shot, beat up ... he's in a coma.

Chrissy takes the reigns, gets flack from the Bada Bing Boys.

AJ offers to help Chrissy who is about to lose control of the crew.

AJ whacks somebody and becomes a lifer.

Meadow turns against her father.

Carmela divorces Tony and fights to get a piece of the action.

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i don't remember the episode but i saw all of them

the only thing that bothers me about this show is that they are italian mobsters that don't know how to speak italian, i dont care how long u've lived in america, you claim to be a wop you better speak the language

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I started renting Sopranos discs on Netflix about a year ago. I just received the last disc for season 5 today. I don't know if this particular episode is fresh in anyone's mind, but it's episode 11, "The Test Dream". All I can say is WOW. There is a dream sequence in this episode that runs at least a good 20 minutes, and it's so damn good that it felt like it was MY dream.  This is some of the best direction I've seen - EVER. 


Color me impressed.




Funny, when this particular episode originally aired, there was a long thread on this board, saying it was the worst episode yet, and that the show had officially "jumped the shark!" Silly humans! It was very well done, and set up the last few episodes (I think the next one is "Long Term Parking") perfectly. As much as people gripe about there not being enough blood on the show, whenever they go back to back episodes without anyone getting killed, this show, when all the smoke settles, is still the greatest thing ever on television. A big part of the reason it has remained so great over the years, is that David Chase does not cave into the public. It is the one show, if you judge one particular episode on its' own merits, may disappoint from time to time. But if you just sit back and take it in like it is a 65 hour movie, you will be overwhelmed by how brilliantly written it is. It is perfect....once the Bills season ends the first weekend in February of 2006, the "Sopranos" will come back on, to fill that Sunday void...until right about the time the Bills are ready to crack the pads, and defend their title.....I am getting giddy! :lol:

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Funny, when this particular episode originally aired, there was a long thread on this board, saying it was the worst episode yet, and that the show had officially "jumped the shark!"  Silly humans!  It was very well done, and set up the last few episodes (I think the next one is "Long Term Parking") perfectly.  As much as people gripe about there not being enough blood on the show, whenever they go back to back episodes without anyone getting killed, this show, when all the smoke settles, is still  the greatest thing ever on television.  A big part of the reason it has remained so great over the years, is that David Chase does not cave into the public.  It is the one show, if you judge one particular episode on its' own merits, may disappoint from time to time.  But if you just sit back and take it in like it is a 65 hour movie, you will be overwhelmed by how brilliantly written it is.  It is perfect....once the Bills season ends the first weekend in February of 2006, the "Sopranos" will come back on, to fill that Sunday void...until right about the time the Bills are ready to crack the pads, and defend their title.....I am getting giddy! :lol:


I couldn't agree more....I had never seen an episode until I started renting them, and now I'm two away from being caught up. It's been an awesome ride!


There have been plenty of times I was impressed, but anyone who thinks this particular episode sucked has no taste! lol That was one of the most effective sequences I've EVER seen in anything - film, tv, etc. Maybe it's because of my background in psych that I appreciated it so much, I dunno. But to me, that was amazingly authentic.


Part of what I love about any form of media is its ability (at times) to bring me into it. I love when characters are so well-acted, or a scene is so well-written, that I'm able to achieve an empathetic relationship with it. That's what happened here, with the difference being that it was a state of mind (i.e. the dream) that I connected with. I thought it was absolutely brilliantly done.

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I started renting Sopranos discs on Netflix about a year ago. I just received the last disc for season 5 today. I don't know if this particular episode is fresh in anyone's mind, but it's episode 11, "The Test Dream". All I can say is WOW. There is a dream sequence in this episode that runs at least a good 20 minutes, and it's so damn good that it felt like it was MY dream.  This is some of the best direction I've seen - EVER. 


Color me impressed.



Best episode in Season 5 in my opinion. I'm an avid watcher and have watched those DVD's numerous times. That's still my favorite episode in season 5.

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Pauley: "He says he killed 13 Czechoslovakians, and is an interior decorator!"  :o

Chris: "Interior decorator?" :P  "I thought his apartment looked like s***!"  :lol:



Lighten up Francis. Sorry, couldn't say it to cincy and I had to get it off my chest. :D

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Best episode in Season 5 in my opinion.  I'm an avid watcher and have watched those DVD's numerous times.  That's still my favorite episode in season 5.



For all Sopranos fans, here is some good news.


Creator/executive producer David Chase is said to be in talks to produce as many as 10 additional episodes — meaning 20 in all — for the sixth season of The Sopranos, which is set to premiere in March. The plan, sources tell the Hollywood Reporter, would be to stretch out the final season as HBO did with Sex and the City's send-off, airing the run in two batches.

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Where you been?  People here thought GofBiB scared you off with his stalking.  Glad he didn't push you over the edge. :P



Note to Board: Stalking Lanak6 will incur the wrath of AJZepp ;)

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