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I cry a river for Tennessee and their brutal schedule. Really I do. :D


When Tennessee (or any other team in the nation for that matter) decides to schedule the #1, #3, #4, #15 and #23 teams in country in one season, then I will give them their due....


But conference schedules are sooooooooo hard.  <_<

(disclaimer...not directed at you, just a general rant ;) )




Newsflash: ND still sucks. ;)

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Newsflash: ND still sucks.  <_<


read where I wrote anything about it being a crutch. :D In the other thread I predicted an 8-3 season....with one of those 8 wins coming against either Southern Cal or Tennessee. Probably crazy....but stranger things have happened.


Just find the sympathy for teams in tough conferences hilarious..... ;)

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read where I wrote anything about it being a crutch. :D  In the other thread I predicted an 8-3 season....with one of those 8 wins coming against either Southern Cal or Tennessee. Probably crazy....but stranger things have happened.


Just find the sympathy for teams in tough conferences hilarious..... <_<



It might not be an excuse for you now, but it will be when your team starts losing consistently. ;)

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It might not be an excuse for you now, but it will be when your team starts losing consistently.  :D


Not likely....seeing how this is not new this year. We schedule like this every year. I was at Notre Dame during what may very well go down as the worst 4 year stretch in our football history and I am not one for excuses. There are plenty of reasons why we lose, to me, schedule is not at the top of the list.


I love our schedule, its brutal, but it's great. Maybe it would be nice if we played Michigan, USC and then padded our season with teams like SE Tennessee Community College or Georgia School for the Blind. Hell, some would probably even settle for having an easy opener like say.......La Lafayette <_< instead of jumping into 2 consective ranked opponent away games.


But I like the way it is.....because one day soon, we will win our 12th National Championship, and we will leave a trail of worthy opponents in our wake.

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I love our schedule, its brutal, but it's great. Maybe it would be nice if we played Michigan, USC and then padded our season with teams like SE Tennessee Community College or Georgia School for the Blind. Hell, some would probably even settle for having an easy opener like say.......La Lafayette  <_<  instead of jumping into 2 consective ranked opponent away games.



I'd rather have La Lafayette and play in the Rose Bowl then to be making up excuses after the season. :D

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