Marv Levy Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 I love both teams and sports. But I choose HOCKEY over FOOTBALL anyday. Hockey is just a faster game to watch. It can be painful to watch a football game now and then on TV with so many breaks, anyalists opinions, Instant Replay, 5,000 commercials, Halftime, 3 running plays up the middle for no gain, 3.5 hrs start to finish. Am I lying??? You know its true! Thank God for Tivo where I can skip all that crap. I definitely know I'm the minority on this thread, but thats my opinion. Hockey = Speed and Transistion, end to end. Wow - shocker, huh?!
Mr. T Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 The easiest way to answer the question is to compare what your reaction would be if their were an NFL lockout like the one the NHL just went through. I don't know about anyone else, but I survived the NHL lockout just fine. No hockey for a year took a little getting used to, but it was like adjusting my pillow at night, I found a comfortable alternative pretty quickly. I can't even begin to imagine a year without The Bills. No training camp, no preseason expectations, 18 consecutive Sundays without the Bills. Makes me break out into a cold sweat just thinking about it. Bills 98.5% Sabres 1.5%
Rico Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 100 to 0 Bills. My only interest in the Sabres anymore is that friends still like them, but personally, I'd rather see the Bills look good in a pre-season game then the Sabres win a playoff game.
socalfan Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 When Knox owned the Sabres 50-50 Under the cable guy 25-75 Bills Under Paychex 1-99 Bills I've gone from watching Perreult, Martin, and Robert at the aud every game they were in town; to watching only the Stanley Cup with the dominator; to checking the first round pick of the Sabres this year.
PTS Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 The_Real said: 55/45 Bills is mine. Everyone says that this is Bills country and rightfully so. My curiousity is how close is the comparison to you. I love the Bills and Sabres just about equally with a slight edge to the Bills. Yet, once football season is over I get really excited to concentrate on hockey. Does one really dominate the other to you? If so, why. 416405[/snapback] I love both teams equally. If you are referring to how much you focus on one team or the other I think it's a matter of what time of year it is. Bills games mean more than Sabres regular season games. Although never possible, if on the same day the Bills played in the Super Bowl and the Sabres in Stanley Cup Finals one win from the Cup and someone told me I can go to either game free of charge, I won't go. I'd stay at home and bring two TVs together and relish in my wet dream.
stuckincincy Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 100 - 0 If the NHL gets rid of the helmets and puts the pipes back in the net, and restores the crease to original size, I'll reconsider.
lawnboy1977 Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 used to be about 50/50 maybe a little but 60/40 in favor of the Sabres. Its now about 70/30 or 80/20 in favor of the Bills!
Marv Levy Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 Rico said: 100 to 0 Bills. My only interest in the Sabres anymore is that friends still like them, but personally, I'd rather see the Bills look good in a pre-season game then the Sabres win a playoff game. 416813[/snapback] That's just downright sad Rico. Disapointing and harsh. C'mon, you mean if they were in the CUP FINALS you wouldn't watch and want the Sabres to win? I know the BILLS are king of the land, but its a Buffalo sports team.
JB_55 Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 100% to the Bills. The last sabres game I was dragged to was terrible... I got a nose bleed getting to my seat, I had a stupid fennel seed from a beef-on-weck stuck in my tooth all night, and the sabres lost in overtime to... ahh... I don't know... the Charlestown Chiefs? Booo... I'll take the Ralph on a late December day in a blizzard everytime. With no shirt either...
jad1 Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 50-50. I'll pay more attention to a Bills regular season game than a Sabres regular season game because there are fewer Bills games. But when things get heated up in the playoffs, I ride the same emotional roller coaster watching either team. I like to use this as a test to judge whether I'm a homer or not, because I believe the Bills front office is doing a pretty good job, while at the same time I believe the Sabres front office sucks. So while I may be wrong in my assessments of the two teams, I hope I have some measure of objectivity.
Realist Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 spidey said: I think ya go month by monthSept - 100% Bills Oct - 100% Bills Nov - 90% Bills n10% Sabres Dec - depends on Bills record but more like 70 Bills 30% Sabres Jan - depends if Bills in playoffs if so 100% Bills else 100% Sabres Feb - Apr 100& Sabres 416439[/snapback] This pretty much matches me assessment. It all depends on the time of year.
TracyLee Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 75-25 Sabres Hockey playoffs blow football playoffs to smithereens. Not that the Sabres will make the playoffs this year. But then, who knows if the Bills will either.... Four rounds of the best of seven beats single game elimination any day of the year. Sixteen games to win the Stanley Cup. It's just incomparable.
eball Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 95/5 -- bills, but that 5% sabres is probably the equivalent of someone else's 50%. what i mean by that is that i REALLY root for the sabres and follow their games, but my level of knowledge of their roster, player moves, etc., so pales in comparison to how i yearn to know every stinking detail of what is going on with the bills and the NFL. i guess i would say i'm a sabres' fan, and a bills' fanatic.
Marv Levy Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 TracyLee said: 75-25 Sabres Hockey playoffs blow football playoffs to smithereens. Not that the Sabres will make the playoffs this year. But then, who knows if the Bills will either.... Four rounds of the best of seven beats single game elimination any day of the year. Sixteen games to win the Stanley Cup. It's just incomparable. 417103[/snapback] TracyLee, you're my new favorite poster! NOTHING compares to Playoff Hockey. The toughest trophy to win.
envirojeff Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 80 -20 Bills, but I did order the Centre Ice package Jeff
mead107 Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 never been to a pro hocky game . have allways wanted to do the sabers on a sat. night and bills sunday .
jester43 Posted August 24, 2005 Posted August 24, 2005 i used to be about 60/40 bills, but now it's about 80/20. it was bad enough when regis took our colors away, but darcy and lindy have just about ruined my interest in the team. at least when the bills sucked, you got the feeling that donohoe had a plan that might work. darcy just makes it up as he goes along...the team shows it, and all the free agents know it.
BillnutinHouston Posted August 25, 2005 Posted August 25, 2005 AJ1 said: 99.9 to .1 Bills; Couldn't care less about hockey. 416563[/snapback] This is about where I stand.
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