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looking forward to the game tonight


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I don't know what it is... the cowboys suck, the seahawks suck, its monday night and i'm VERY tired. But i'm going to watch. I think its just so i can see drew either screw up or play great, cause parcells and drew both think he's the chosen one. I'm not a betting man, but i'll double down on screw up. It shall be interesting. On a side note, did anyone catch the drew piece on sportscenter this morning? he sure did sound pompous, but we all know he's the same old drew.




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If Bledsoe does well tonight, I wonder how long it'll take people to do a "Losman/Bledsoe" comparison thread.


The Seahawks Defense has been pretty craptacular lately, I bet Bledsoe looks good tonight...and he'll lure Cowboys fans into a false sense of confidence.


Wasn't there already one of those from the first game?


Dunno. With Jacob Rogers done for the season, the right side of the o-line isn't looking so good. (Not that Rogers was any great shakes to begin with.) Starting a rookie 6th-round pick at RT tonight, and our old friend Bryce Fisher should be lining up across from him.

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1st drive:

-> DB executes a swing pass? WTF? Positive play. FG.


2nd drive:

-> A strike to Meshawn, nice throw. That's a plus.

-> Either an overthrow or bad route to someone I've never heard of. Since Madden has heard of DB, it must have been the receiver's fault, but that didn't look very catchable. We'll say neutral. Punt.


Good Lord, DeMarcus Ware again! Covering Stevens (the TE who's already got 4 catches) lays out and makes the pick. Is he a DB who rushes the passer, or a lineman that can defend passes? In any case, it looks like we got a football player here.

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3rd drive:

-> Pat, pat, throws into double coverage and should have been picked. Negative play.

-> Pulls it down and tries to run for it on 3rd... dives headfirst for the sticks and gets CREAMED, hope the blood vessels stay intact. Call it neutral. They go on 4th and make it.

-> It's sack #1 as DL runs a twist, and that lack of escapability is there for all to see. End of 1st Q on a negative play.

-> 3rd down and Drew is running for his life, no hope for that play, INC. Neutral.


My current Fair & Balanced reckoning: 3 drives, 2 negative plays, 2 positive plays, 3 neutral plays.

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4th drive:

-> Rollout right, complete? Positive play.

-> Play action, flare to the RB into his feet and uncatchable. We've seen that before. Drew's play action is still, well, awful. Negative.

-> Another partial rollout, and again that pass is low and takes away any YAC possibility for the receiver. Call it neutral.

-> Slant to Meshawn, Trufant looked like he had good coverage and got a hand in there but had a handful of jersey for the phlag. Neutral, only because of the penalty... Meshawn was covered.

-> Screen to Jones set up and executed. Positive play.

-> Nice completion on 3rd and long. Positive play.

-> Play action swing pass executed and taken to the end zone, TD. Positive play.


That's a pretty good drive. 4 good throws, 2 poorly executed (physical errors), and 1 bad decision that ended up a penalty anyway. It'd be interesting to see how the ratio of good plays to bad in DB's 1st 4 drives stacks up to Losman's 1st 3 vs GB (I don't have the tape, or NFL Network).

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Holy crap, spectacular play by DeMarcus Ware for the old LT trifecta: sack, strip, recover.


This guy looks like a beast. Of course, everyone has a career game. Let's see how he brings things about in the regular season. Id love to see him this good when it counts.

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