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Tara Reid hitting rockbottom as well.

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So let me get this straight...a bunch of you horndogs would give your left testicle to sleep with Tara Reid.


As a wise person once said, "She's given more rides than Greyhound".


To anyone who DOES sleep with her, let me say this: better stock up on the peroxide and condoms. You never know what you're gonna catch.


I've about had it with these twenty-something famous women acting like high-class hookers. They're brainless, and quite frankly (to steal S.A. Smith's line), I'm sick of looking at these attention whores.



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You know, I saw that show on E! last night - Taradise - for the first time. Honestly, she's never looked uglier, skankier, and even flabbier - though, compared to the anorexic, bird-beaked Hilton, even starving Ethiopians look chunky. That show is doing her a big disservice.


That said, I fully expect it to be on ESPN2 in the near future, immediately following ESPN Hollywood. :devil:

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