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Moss admits smoking weed


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When pressed whether he still smokes marijuana, the star receiver with the checkered past said: "I might. I might have fun. And, you know, hopefully ... I won't get into any trouble by the NFL by saying that, you know. I have had fun throughout my years and, you know, predominantly in the offseason.


"But, you know, I don't want any kids, you know, watching this taking a lesson from me as far as 'Well, Randy Moss used it so I'm going to use it.' I don't want that to get across. Like I say ... I have used [marijuana] in the past. And every blue moon or every once in a while I might."


Well that is exactly the way is does come across. And I hope the NFL at least fines him.

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Well that is exactly the way is does come across. And I hope the NFL at least fines him.


i would say, that the NFL can do nothing untill he tests positive from a drug test, and even that would not warrent a fine, cus it "might" be his first positive test. . but i dont know jack about the NFL drug policy. so who knows.

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i would say, that the NFL can do nothing untill he tests positive, and even that would not warrent a fine. but i dont know jack about the NFL drug policy. so who knows.


You're likely right.


Also from that article:

The NFL's drug policy calls for up to 10 tests a month after one positive result. A second violation results in a fine equal to the player's salary for four games, a third in a four-game suspension, and a year's suspension for a fourth violation.


Moss has never been suspended for violating the league's drug policy and NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said it is confidential whether the receiver is in the drug program or not.


"We evaluate all conduct related to substance abuse and it is handled confidentially by the doctors," Aiello said.


Could that mean they could force him into the program because of his comments? I think that is what that last quote from Aiello hints at.

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Why is it different when a pro athlete admits he smoked weed? I have smoked weed, done lines of coke, drank myself into oblivion more times than I can remember and who really cares? Nobody. Probably 90% of everyone alive has done drugs at least once or done something else foolish and nobody even batted an eye. I could care less what pro athlete smoked weed or smokes weed. I guess Moss feels like he needs some attention since TO has been grabbing all the headlines.

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From my experience in the corporate world, many drug policies allow for testing when there is probable cause. So if someone were to publicly announce that they take drugs as Randy Moss did, their company could drug test them simply on those grounds. Not saying that the NFL policy works this way, but it is a fact of life for many of us.

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Could that mean they could force him into the program because of his comments? I think that is what that last quote from Aiello hints at.



It actually could mean that he's already in the program:

The NFL's drug policy calls for up to 10 tests a month after one positive result. A second violation results in a fine equal to the player's salary for four games, a third in a four-game suspension, and a year's suspension for a fourth violation.


No suspension and no disclosure until the third failed test.



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Can we really consider espn.com to be a reliable source. Come on! Moss is a role model. He wouldn't make it seem ok to smoke weed! This is ridiculous. I think he just said it because of Peer Pressure. See what it can do to you? He has to pretend to smoke it so his fellow players will respect him. It's obvious!

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Why is it different when a pro athlete admits he smoked weed? I have smoked weed, done lines of coke, drank myself into oblivion more times than I can remember and who really cares? Nobody. Probably 90% of everyone alive has done drugs at least once or done something else foolish and nobody even batted an eye. I could care less what pro athlete smoked weed or smokes weed. I guess Moss feels like he needs some attention since TO has been grabbing all the headlines.


is this a serious question? :)


and by the way, let us know what roads you drive frequently so we can all stay the hell off them. :lol:

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