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Jerry Sullivan's article today on the lack of injury information coming from the Bills and it relating to:


1) Paranoia

2) Not making the playoffs for 5 years

3) General disdain for the press



He presents one side of this argument. We all know Sullivan is not a huge fan of current management, begrudging tolerance to sometimes outright hatred is pretty much his spectrum of opinion.


TD's comments focus on HIPAA and mostly competitive advantage.


I don't really care if the team gives the fans details on injuries--they tell us whether a person is out for the season or not--that's okay with me. I don't really care what's wrong with Roscoe's wrist, an estimate of how long he will be out-I'd rather hear about who's meeting, exceeding or falling short of expectations at camp.


Sullivan has to write to sell papers so conspiracy theories work I guess..and I understand reporters have a job to do and this policy somewhat impedes it--but I give today's diatribe a big yawn...


i've already posted enough on this topic the last few days...all i'll say is that sullivan is a tool. but you already knew that.


It's obvious that this guy is a lazy reporter. He should somehow figure out a way to break the story and be credited for it. Instead, he tries to make a story with no information.

  NJ_BillsFan said:
It's obvious that this guy is a lazy reporter.  He should somehow figure out a way to break the story and be credited for it.  Instead, he tries to make a story with no information.


LMAO......true. Maybe he shouldn't have burned all his bridges.


I am a "customer" and I do not care if I know all the details of an injury. The press is really upset over this and their throwing the fans into the mix to get some sympathy. Deal with it Jerry, there's too much media coverage to begin with!!! Just let me know the week before the game if a player is out, doubtful, questionable or probable and I will be happy. And as far as an injury report on your columns. I would give 'em questionable at best.


I agree, the fans don't care half as much as the media lead on about this BS... What a waste of their time and energy for them. It's annoying.


Sullivan is a tool and I don't care about the injury.


He's in a cast and was operated on. That means he's going to be out for a bit. I bet it's the same thing as Milloy last year.


To tell you the truth, I'm glad the Bills are taking the "no info" stance. The Patriots have been doing it for years (along with faking injuries). They are known for listing players as doubtfull, only to play that week and look as healthy as ever. Keep it going MM and TD....

  ricojes said:
To tell you the truth, I'm glad the Bills are taking the "no info" stance.  The Patriots have been doing it for years (along with faking injuries).  They are known for listing players as doubtfull, only to play that week and look as healthy as ever.  Keep it going MM and TD....



I agree also.....say what you want but its an advantage...all be it small....it is an advantage.


As long as the Bills follow league rules, they can do/say whatever they want. They have to list doubtful/questionable/etc. and the ailing body part. That's all they are required to do, so that's all they're going to do. I really could care less when they start talking about a medial-lateral compound fracture of the polytubular hypocontusis bone.


They keep it simple for the gamblers:


RB W. McGahee- Probable (hamstring)

QB T. Brady- Doubtful (vagina)

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