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S. Adams, R. Parrish, L. Evans, M. Williams

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Slightly off-topic, but I thought some of you might be interested in seeing.


I finished up these four Buffalo Bills custom McFarlanes recently. I had the Adams and Williams signed at camp, and am taking an Everett (still in progress) and Evans to get signed at camp this Monday. I was hoping to get the Parrish signed too, but he was injured while I was still working on it. It was my favorite one too, in the Throwbacks.


I am doing another Mike Williams (in the white jersey/white pants combo) to give to him this week, because he loved the one he signed for me this past Monday.


Kevin Everett Progress: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v159/jje...ettprogress.jpg


Sam Adams





Roscoe Parrish





Lee Evans





Mike Williams




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Wow. Very cool!


You should try out the blog feature on the wall and write up a little on what you're doing, and some detail on your collection. It looks like a lot of detailed work (which I appreciate and can relate to), and is obviously a labour of love.


I'm sure MW will love it. You will of course have to tell us how that goes.

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I was there when Mike was signing it.  The guys wanted to see it. Didn't realize that it wasn't just a starting line up toy.



Nope, it was a repainted Jonathan Ogden figure.


Everett needs a head..for real those are really neat...do you do any custom work? if so what does it cost



Yeah, I do these custom. If you wanna send me an e-mail (jjezioro225@hotmail.com) we might be able to work out a deal.

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