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I quit drinking, smoking and smoking the whacky stuff. Drinking and smoking 2 months ago with out cheating. The whacky stuff 15 days ago.


Didn't think it be this difficult but man do I want to roast a fuggin doobie. Any ideas of what I can do to eleviate stress these days?




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  The_Real said:
I quit drinking, smoking and smoking the whacky stuff.  Drinking and smoking 2 months ago with out cheating.  The whacky stuff 15 days ago. 


Didn't think it be this difficult but man do I want to roast a fuggin doobie.  Any ideas of what I can do to eleviate stress these days?



Seriously, go running, or swimming. Then smoke a bowl.

  The_Real said:
I quit drinking, smoking and smoking the whacky stuff.  Drinking and smoking 2 months ago with out cheating.  The whacky stuff 15 days ago. 


Didn't think it be this difficult but man do I want to roast a fuggin doobie.  Any ideas of what I can do to eleviate stress these days?



Which was the hardest to quit for you?


Try yoga (really).


I've kicked several addictions in my time, and feel for you.


Avoid movies etc. that deal with what you're trying to do away with, and do not go to the places (or the people) that you most strongly associate with the stuff you're avoiding. It took me a loong time to feel okay going to a bar to play pool or hanging out at the neighborhood poker game without giving in....


Just avoid it for awhile. Assuming you were getting high every day, you'll probably be surprised that the weed will get a lot easier after 4-6 weeks. Until then, keep distracting yourself, especially with things like exercise that can feel good and reaffirm that you're being good to yourself by staying clean.


One last thing: be mild with yourself and keep pushing to the place you want to be. One puff doesn't mean you've blown it, just that you took a puff. That does not mean you're right back where you were.


Good luck. BTW, why the change in lifestyle?


I quit smoking weed about four years ago. I have smoked it twice since, none in the last two and half years. All I can say is after a while you don't really miss it. At first, it is kind of a habit related want. I would go drink some beers, and want to get high. After a while you lose that feeling of wanting to get high.


Look....nothing is going to replace the feeling of getting high, but you can find new things that you enjoy doing that are less destructive. Although I don't really think weed is all that destructive, but you get my point. Good luck.


You quit drinking, smoking and pot. What on earth made you do that? Did something happen in your life to make you think things would go better if you quit all of those at the same time? Or did something happen and now you have to quit?

Drinking: Jesus went to a wedding once and they had jugs of water. So the Son of God himself made wine. I read that in some book. Drink fine wine and be closer to your maker or at least closer to the guys who wrote the book.


Smoking: Good move. Ciggies are useless and make your breath smell bad. Not sexy. It isn't the tobacco so much as the 200 chemicals in the cancer sticks that make them deadly. GOOD CHOICE.


Pot: Almost everyone quits in the Summer if they want to or not. Summer is a very dry time of the year.


Good luck ~


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