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From ESPN.com on TO


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What I just don't get is:


TO nixed the trade to Baltimore last year

TO signed a brand new 7(?) year deal upon arriving in Philly

TO now says that contract (only 14% gone, some of which he was injured for) is inadequate


He had more bargaining power last year.  Period.


You are correct on all points, but in TO's bizzaro world, all of the above are the fault of his previous agent who made TO sign the contract while he was drugged. :blush:

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You are correct on all points, but in TO's bizzaro world, all of the above are the fault of his previous agent who made TO sign the contract while he was drugged. :blush:



What I heard is he put the paper in front of TO saying that he was asked for an autograph from little Timmy in the hospital. Now who wouldn't sign something for little Timmy?

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speaking of guaranteed money ...


how much of a signing bonus did he receive last year? anyone know the numbers? I'm sure he's guaranteed more than I'll make in my lifetime, just from this one contract.

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What I just don't get is:


TO nixed the trade to Baltimore last year

TO signed a brand new 7(?) year deal upon arriving in Philly

TO now says that contract (only 14% gone, some of which he was injured for) is inadequate


He had more bargaining power last year.  Period.


If you listen to TO during his interviews, you realize that outside of being able to catch a football, he has all the intelligence of a mop and could in no way come up with an original thought if there were a gun to his head. He's like the Anna Nicole Smith of football.


He is motivated by the prospect of getting more money and this motivation comes from Drew Rosenhaus who, surprisingly, didn't have to work nearly as hard as I thought he would to sound even more moronic than TO.


At one point TO commented that the reason this was happening was because the Eagles don't like Rosenhaus, and there were literally five minutes between that interview and the last interview where he said the Eagles were doing this because they didn't like TO and were throwing his good name under the bus. You know at commercial break Drew turned to TO and said, "Hey, let's get my name in here more and blame this on them not liking me because, honestly, who doesn't like ME?"


At some point it became obvious that they were out of bullets and decided to throw the gun at the camera.

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My one last thought on this one is that the Eagles had plenty of past record to base this one on:


- His relationships with past coaches, QBs were stormy

- The ridiculous showboating out on the star at midfield at Texas Stadium

- The "sharpie" incident

- Consistent mouthing off to the media

- Trade / money demands in SF, trade / money demands in Balt.


On the field, TO plays hard, but he always has to remain the center of attention. Nothing has changed in that respect.


Philly took a big gamble and now they have a mess on their hands. If they had won the title last year, I think things might have been different -- T.O. might have wanted more money, but feeling that he brought home a winner, they might have given it to him. But if Philly didn't see this coming at all they are a bunch of grade-A morons.

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I'm probably one of the few who thinks the Eagles should renegotiate his contract.  Performance speaks...


who cares if he's eccentric, borderline skitzo....the man can flat out play and he's one of the best...



Character DOES count. TO has none, and while I agree that renegotiation is part of the process and in and of it self is fine, this shmoe has so over stepped the boundry that he should simply be suspended and let sit (and rot).


There is no justification for his behavior towards his coaches, McNabb, etc. I won't even get into his mental incapacities and his 6 year old antics.


great talent, lousey excuse for a human being. Let him work at Wal-Mart and let him see what it's like not to be a pampered "superstar".

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My one last thought on this one is that the Eagles had plenty of past record to base this one on:


- His relationships with past coaches, QBs were stormy

- The ridiculous showboating out on the star at midfield at Texas Stadium

- The "sharpie" incident

- Consistent mouthing off to the media

- Trade / money demands in SF, trade / money demands in Balt.


On the field, TO plays hard, but he always has to remain the center of attention.  Nothing has changed in that respect.


Philly took a big gamble and now they have a mess on their hands.  If they had won the title last year, I think things might have been different -- T.O. might have wanted more money, but feeling that he brought home a winner, they might have given it to him.  But if Philly didn't see this coming at all they are a bunch of grade-A morons.



Philly took a shot, for sure, and with a guy with a proven track record (bad). My sympathies are in short supply for them, but this doesn't change the situation in that they need to stand firm with TO.

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Terrell has become the media's favorite whipping boy.

He's an attention whore




Terrell only asks what every other worker in America asks for, respect and dignity."

and minimum wage?

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My one last thought on this one is that the Eagles had plenty of past record to base this one on:


- His relationships with past coaches, QBs were stormy

- The ridiculous showboating out on the star at midfield at Texas Stadium

- The "sharpie" incident

- Consistent mouthing off to the media

- Trade / money demands in SF, trade / money demands in Balt.


On the field, TO plays hard, but he always has to remain the center of attention.  Nothing has changed in that respect.


Philly took a big gamble and now they have a mess on their hands.  If they had won the title last year, I think things might have been different -- T.O. might have wanted more money, but feeling that he brought home a winner, they might have given it to him.  But if Philly didn't see this coming at all they are a bunch of grade-A morons.





How can you possibly say Philly did not see this coming?


In all likelihood, they expected to get 1 year out of TO along with a Super Bowl trophy.



1. They structured the $8 mil bonus paid last year as $6 mil of roster bonus which was inculded in the cap in 2004 and only $2 mil of signing bonus which could be treated as dead money if TO was cut loose.


2. They included specific language in the contract which allows the Eagles to suspend TO without pay for conduct detrimental to the team AND allows them to claw back part of the siging bonus.


3. They structured the bonus payment for 2006 as a roster bonus which allows them to cut TO loose at that time without a big cap hit.


The Eagles are now papering the file to support the suspension of TO without pay for 2005. Even better than what Gruden did with Keyshawn.


Unless he changes his attitude, TO will be stuck in Philly.

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How can you possibly say Philly did not see this coming?


In all likelihood, they expected to get 1 year out of TO along with a Super Bowl trophy.

1. They structured the $8 mil bonus paid last year as $6 mil of roster bonus which was inculded in the cap in 2004 and only $2 mil of signing bonus which could be treated as dead money if TO was cut loose.


2. They included specific language in the contract which allows the Eagles to suspend TO without pay for conduct detrimental to the team AND allows them to claw back part of the siging bonus.


3. They structured the bonus payment for 2006 as a roster bonus which allows them to cut TO loose at that time without a big cap hit.


The Eagles are now papering the file to support the suspension of TO without pay for 2005. Even better than what Gruden did with Keyshawn.


Unless he changes his attitude, TO will be stuck in Philly.


Well, looks like they may have been smart financially. I'm still not sold on the effects of this on the team.

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I'd renegotiate TO's contract. One year at LEAGUE MINIMUM. Every week he behaves, doesn't shoot his mouth off and has a good game- he gets a $10,000 bonus. He fires his agent right now, he gets his original 7 year deal (with 6 years left) back.

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If he was on the Bills do you think we would all love him and have a different opinion?


NO, I wouldn't love him and I would feel the same way about him, that I feel now. I haven't been on any Eagles message boards, but my guess would be that TO is taking a beating. After all, these are the same fans who booed Santa Claus one year. :blush:

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