Rich in Ohio Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Come on, how long is this stupid story going to continue to occupy headline status. It is clear that she is a nut, and a hack for the liberal left. It is true that she has suffered a great loss, but please her statements are more then wacko. I could understand if she said these things a few weeks after her son was killed in combat but not this long after. Look I understand that the freaks on this site will surely flame me for being insensitive or whatever else they come up with. I could really care less. I did my time in the military and I served proudly with many fine young men and women who absolutely knew the nature of thier jobs and thier mission. If and when they were called upon, they would serve and serve proudly and diligently. Her son was no doubt a fine soldier and he deserves a better fate then his wacky mother is making for him. She is shaming him, and making a laughing stock out of his service and his sacrifice. greaving is one thing but making such ignorant statements as this is another; 1) "I want to ask the president why HE killed my son" 2) "I want him to honor my son by bringing the troops home immediately," 3) She continueally calls the president a murderer. and so on and so on. This nut is posting daily on fat ass michael moores website as well as many other left wing radical sites. She is bascally nothing more then a political operative. Now I have nothing against political operatives, don't get me wrong. But I do have a problem with the ones who hide behind a tragic event as a way to spew thier polital nonesense. Again this is the highest level of disrespect that she could lay at her sons gravesite. Over the past few days many if not most of her relitives have come out and distanced themselves from this insane woman. Now we find out today that her husband of 28 years has filed for divorce. CClearly he does not like the way that she has sold her son out for the hacks on the liberal left and the media enablers. To wrap this sickness up, let me be the first to say, I am proud of her son and his service to our country. I also have no doubt that his fellow service members feel the same way. Also, I do not advocate silencing this nut, that would go against one of the very things that her brave son fought to protect. However, if a stray round from a near by dove hunters shotgun somehow found its way into her backside, I would not shed a tear.
billfan63 Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Rich in Ohio said: Come on, how long is this stupid story going to continue to occupy headline status. It is clear that she is a nut, and a hack for the liberal left. It is true that she has suffered a great loss, but please her statements are more then wacko. I could understand if she said these things a few weeks after her son was killed in combat but not this long after. Look I understand that the freaks on this site will surely flame me for being insensitive or whatever else they come up with. I could really care less. I did my time in the military and I served proudly with many fine young men and women who absolutely knew the nature of thier jobs and thier mission. If and when they were called upon, they would serve and serve proudly and diligently. Her son was no doubt a fine soldier and he deserves a better fate then his wacky mother is making for him. She is shaming him, and making a laughing stock out of his service and his sacrifice. greaving is one thing but making such ignorant statements as this is another; 1) "I want to ask the president why HE killed my son" 2) "I want him to honor my son by bringing the troops home immediately," 3) She continueally calls the president a murderer. and so on and so on. This nut is posting daily on fat ass michael moores website as well as many other left wing radical sites. She is bascally nothing more then a political operative. Now I have nothing against political operatives, don't get me wrong. But I do have a problem with the ones who hide behind a tragic event as a way to spew thier polital nonesense. Again this is the highest level of disrespect that she could lay at her sons gravesite. Over the past few days many if not most of her relitives have come out and distanced themselves from this insane woman. Now we find out today that her husband of 28 years has filed for divorce. CClearly he does not like the way that she has sold her son out for the hacks on the liberal left and the media enablers. To wrap this sickness up, let me be the first to say, I am proud of her son and his service to our country. I also have no doubt that his fellow service members feel the same way. Also, I do not advocate silencing this nut, that would go against one of the very things that her brave son fought to protect. However, if a stray round from a near by dove hunters shotgun somehow found its way into her backside, I would not shed a tear. 408403[/snapback] I would think hinding behind a tragic event to spew political nonsense would be something you could get with
Wacka Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 She is off the deep end. Her life is unraveling. She was protesting the war way before her son was killed. Her other son is asking her to come home because they need her there. She is ignoring her daughter. She lost her job because of all the time she took off for her anti-war protests. Here is a quote from her. It has been verified as true by ABC news : “he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full-well that my son, my family, this nation, and this world were betrayed by George [W.] Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agenda after 9/11.”-- in other words: "It's the Jews' fault." She states that she won't pay taxes in protest. Well, the IRS has a lien on her property for back taxes she hasn't paid for several years. Who is paying her now? Soros? Moore?
SilverNRed Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 The woman is unhinged - and last week on MSNBC she accidentally admitted that she really doesn't care about ever "meeting with President Bush" and she's really just putting on a show for the cameras. Quote OLBERMANN: You heard what the president said today at his news conference. You heard that clip of him just there. What‘s your response to that? SHEEHAN: Right. I don‘t want the president‘s sympathy. You know, I want to talk to him, and I want answers to my questions. And I want him to tell me the noble cause that my son died for. And I want him to stop using my son‘s name and the name of the other lost loved ones and Gold Star Families for Peace. We want him to stop using our children‘s name to justify the continued killing. Later in the interview..... Quote OLBERMANN: Last question. It‘s pure politics. The nature of the media coverage you‘re getting now, the response from other families of soldiers killed in Iraq, all of that, from the perspective of your protest there, in a way, isn‘t it really better if President Bush doesn‘t meet with you? SHEEHAN: I would think so, yes. I think it‘s great. And if he would come out right now, it would really defuse the momentum, and I don‘t want to give them any hints. And I think that‘s something they‘ve probably already thought about. But, you know, but we‘re here. We‘re committed. We‘re staying the whole month of August, and then we‘re moving to Washington, D.C. And we‘re going to have a 24-hour vigil on his front lawn to keep the pressure on. The pressure is there. Sixty-two percent of Americans want our troops home. And this is giving them a voice to stand up and be counted and say, You know, we want our country back, and we want our troops home. OOPS!!! Guess Michael Moore didn't coach her on how to answer that one. "I want to meet with him but I also don't want to meet with him so that my little circus can keep its momentum." An anti-Bush lunatic like Olbermann inadvertantly revealing Sheehan's fraudulent intentions is the best example of "friendly fire" in the media that I can recall. EDIT: Here's the LINK
RuntheDamnBall Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Rich in Ohio said: Now I have nothing against political operatives, don't get me wrong. But I do have a problem with the ones who hide behind a tragic event as a way to spew thier polital nonesense. 408403[/snapback] You must have really hated those nuts who rallied around the tragic Terry Schiavo situation, I imagine.
Rich in Ohio Posted August 16, 2005 Author Posted August 16, 2005 billfan63 said: I would think hinding behind a tragic event to spew political nonsense would be somethingyou could get with 408424[/snapback] Wow how deep and insightful. How long did it take you to come up with such a stirring and moving thought? Did you have to phone a friend?
Reuben Gant Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Personally, I don't think Cindy Sheehan is a puppet of anyone. I don't think her kind of incoherency can be coached.
Rich in Ohio Posted August 16, 2005 Author Posted August 16, 2005 RuntheDamnBall said: You must have really hated those nuts who rallied around the tragic Terry Schiavo situation, I imagine. 408462[/snapback] Are you kidding me? How in the hell can you even remotely equate the two situations? Or were you just looking to say something that seems kool and witty? This nutty womans son was a soldier. He signed up for the military and accourding to all reports he did his job well, and he made his family proud. Then his mother gets in bed with fat ass moore and the like and all the sudden she is the liberal left GWB hating poster child. When contrasted with a womans tragic brian injury, and the battle over weather or not to allow her to continue to be fed by a tube I really do not see any similarity. Is it just me, or are you just trying to say something stupid for the sake of saying something stupid? I think that you can find a link on fat ass moores website for where to send your contributions to her cause.
billfan63 Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Rich in Ohio said: Wow how deep and insightful. How long did it take you to come up with such a stirring and moving thought? Did you have to phone a friend? 408505[/snapback] An insult, how you of you. So you have decided that the grieving period should be over for this women? You have also decided that cclearly (note the double c) her husband has filed for divorce because he agrees with you and is against her views. It couldn't be the stress of losing a child led to the separation, no that never happens. Aren't you the one who doesn't understand the people you support the troops but not the president? Now you support her son but want to shot the mother. I know you didn't call a friend for that insightfulness
RuntheDamnBall Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Rich in Ohio said: Are you kidding me? How in the hell can you even remotely equate the two situations?408510[/snapback] 1) Nope 2) Because I cannot match your supreme high level of brain-wave activity. You're just on another level, Rich. Go back and read your post, I was talking about politicians, just as you were. Anyone with com... I mean, most people would see the hypocrisy.
RkFast Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 RuntheDamnBall said: You must have really hated those nuts who rallied around the tragic Terry Schiavo situation, I imagine. 408462[/snapback] Yes, as a matter of fact, I did hate them. Along with the BS antics of Santorum, DeLay and Frist on the issue. Sean Hannity was despicable as well, on the media side of things. I understand Im not who you intended that statement to, but I felt it prudent to show you that we dont all follow along the partisan train blindly.
stuckincincy Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 The morning news today said her husband has filed for a divorce. They were seperated.
Wacka Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Sheehan is so busy with her passion play that she hasn't had time to go and buy a headstone for her son's grave. My mother was devestated by my father's death, but as soon as the weather got better, we went and got a headstone. Her son has ben dead over a year. She met with Bush in April 2004. There is a picture of him giving her a hug. back then.
aussiew Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Quote Personally, I don't think Cindy Sheehan is a puppet of anyone.I don't think her kind of incoherency can be coached. Agreed. I think she's simply whacked out.
RkFast Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 aussiew said: Agreed. I think she's simply whacked out. 408648[/snapback] And coming from a kind person like yourself, someone who either Sheehan, herself or whomever is "coaching" her is trying to influence, that's saying a lot. Once AGAIN, the Left does the proverbial "flailing of the arms and screaming" and once AGAIN, anyone with even the smallest of clues sees right through it.
PastaJoe Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 God Bless Cindy Sheehan and all the other families who have needlessly lost their sons and daughters to Bush's Folly in Iraq.
OnTheRocks Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 i am very sad for this woman's loss......however if it were my son.....bringing the remaining troops home would not be an honor to my would be spitting on his grave. stay there....finish the job...and stop catering to the whims of liberal media scum.
Cripes Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 OnTheRocks said: i am very sad for this woman's loss......however if it were my son.....bringing the remaining troops home would not be an honor to my would be spitting on his grave. stay there....finish the job...and stop catering to the whims of liberal media scum. 408715[/snapback] Isn't the Bush Administration's decision to leave behind the Good Ship Unreality and accept an Iraqi Islamic Republic -- read this -- a worse grave-spitting offense? Where's your outrage over that?
OnTheRocks Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Cripes said: Isn't the Bush Administration's decision to leave behind the Good Ship Unreality and accept an Iraqi Islamic Republic -- read this -- a worse grave-spitting offense? Where's your outrage over that? 408723[/snapback] Outraged? No. Unhappy? Yeah...sure. I don't want to ignore the basis of the report, but there a lot of quotes in this article by someone named, "U.S. Officials".
Reuben Gant Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 OnTheRocks said: stay there....finish the job...and stop catering to the whims of liberal media scum. 408715[/snapback] Finish what job? What is the endgame here? Or is it indefinite?
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