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The Terrel Owens thread

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TO is going NO WHERE... If Joe Banner (Eagles President) says he has 2 choices 1) Play for the Eagles under current contract OR 2) Sit out and not play football... That what it will be... Joe banner is not TD he is not a wheeling dealing Pres/GM... He does what he says and says what he does... It will not cost the Eagles any money...


Remember if T.O. sits out he does NOT get paid... Additionally, It T.O. want to go to the wall with this Joe Banner will too... Joe Banner is in a position to wait out TO... TO can sit out as long as he wants... His contract will never expire... If you sit out a year that year does NOT count towrd you contract... Even if he does show up for the required 6 games to count as a contract year... He will only be shoot himself in the foot...


The REAL reason TO is sitting is he is getting BAD advise from his low life agent... TO said he wanted a new contract 5 min after he signed a new agent... Funny thing is... his new agent Roshenthal does not a diem from TO until he negoicates a new contract... SO this is more greed by his agent then TO... TO is a pawn in this deal... But still a jerk...

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TO is going NO WHERE...  If Joe Banner (Eagles President) says he has 2 choices 1) Play for the Eagles under current contract OR 2) Sit out and not play football...  That what it will be...  Joe banner is not TD he is not a wheeling dealing Pres/GM...  He does what he says and says what he does...  It will not cost the Eagles any money... 


Remember if T.O. sits out he does NOT get paid...  Additionally,  It T.O. want to go to the wall with this Joe Banner will too...  Joe Banner is in a position to wait out TO...  TO can sit out as long as he wants...  His contract will never expire...  If you sit out a year that year does NOT count towrd you contract...  Even if he does show up for the required 6 games to count as a contract year...  He will only be shoot himself in the foot...


The REAL reason TO is sitting is he is getting BAD advise from his low life agent...  TO said he wanted a new contract 5 min after he signed a new agent...  Funny thing is...  his new agent Roshenthal does not a diem from TO until he negoicates a new contract...  SO this is more greed by his agent then TO...  TO is a pawn in this deal...  But still a jerk...



I will guarantee that TO will not SIT OUT. However, he may continue to do like he has, at which point they can tell him please do not show up, (ala Meshaun), but he still needs to get paid. However, if he his suspended for conduct detrimental to the team, that is another story.


I would like to see if he came back, but didn't put forth total effort, how they could prove that. I mean a guy dropping balls happens all the time. Not being able to get open cause my groin is still hurt, prove it doesn't.



What a mess

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I just heard that this morning. Drew Rosenhaus does not get paid by TO unless TO gets a new deal. Very interesting. Rosenhaus is a scumbag. Period. I shudder to think what will happen when he decides Willis McGahee wants more money & a new contract.

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This may get merged with the other TO thread, but what did you think about Boomer's interview at halftime last night?  Anyone watch?  Hard to describe it other that to say I was embarassed for Berman (not in a nice way embarassed).  TO and SOS ran roughshod through the entire thing, and Berman had absolutely zero control.  He couldn't/wouldn't interrupt their monologues to make point or ask follow-ups for clarification.  It was a complete joke.  The only good thing is TO looked like SOS's lapdog. 





I saw it exactly the other way (see post a few pages back). The mark of a good interviewer is not to interrupt when the interviewee is making news. Those guys were digging a hole halfway to China, and it was fuggin' hilarious. If anything, after about 3 or 4 mins, Boomer took pity on them and tried to give them a chance to extricate their collective feet from their mouths, but they just mumbled something about passing the A-1.


Over $12 million in his bank account over the first two years of his contract and over $20 million over the first three years is unfair?



IIRC, that was a direct quote from Rosenputz, with as straight a face as his crooked soul could muster.


Yeah, so what if TO isn't the best teammate but if the Eagles think they are going to win without him then they got another thing coming. The NFL has built a system that doesn't reward players financially like they should. Nowadays with the leverage teams have over players it's almost like a communist state. The guy deserves to get paid like he wants for the value he adds to the team.



Did someone forget their [/sarcasm] tag on the dresser this morning? Or are you really comparing the NFL to, say, Cuba? Hyperbole, hell... that's clearly out of bounds. A sports league that can pay a physically gifted yet emotionally retarded person like T.O. the equivalent of, what, 5% of the GNP of an entire communist country like Cuba?


If you're not just kidding around, you need to click some links.

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No other sport gives the exorbitant signing bonuses that football gives and that's where the top players make their real bread and butter. Everyone knows this. Terrell is only one year removed from getting his signing bonus and now he wants another one? Fug him. If he had turned in another ProBowl season then maybe demanding a redo next year makes sense, but to do it now is stupidity.


As for the bs about teams being able to cut players, well yes they can but then they suffer a huge cap hit as a result which is why star players ever rarely get cut outright with a lot of years left on their contract. TO has another 6 years on his. He didn't have to worry about getting cut anytime soon.


TO misplayed his hand (probably on the advice of Rosenhause) and Philly called his bluff. I hope they stick it to his punk ass.



Post of the thread and that's all I have to say.

I'm really tired of hearing about this since I live here.

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TO should only be pissed off at two people...His former agent who negotiated the 7 year 49 million dollar contract(which he now claims is a terrible deal) and himself for signing said contract.


During the interviews I've seen, I can't help but laugh when he talks about having to listen to, but not talk to his coaches and teammates. I can't believe Rosenhaus can sit there with a straight face.



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It's horrible that we let this moron take up valuable news coverage on NFL Live, Total Access, Sportscenter, and every other program I enjoyed. I can't see that punks face anymore. He's in the Bahamas right now. I hope the locals give him what he deserves. I just can't stand putting the TV on and having to hear what TO did today. I kind of wish the Michael Jackson trial was still on. At least that wan't as irritating.

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I know I have been more of lurker, than a poster since finding this site back in the beginning, when I went under the tag Albany Bills Guy, and then later Orlandobillz guy. I have seen it grow and grow, seen people come and go, and watched relationships forged and broken. I have been following that TO thread for a bit now, and there are good arguments on both sides with regards to how TO handles himself, how the NFL does business, how teams screw players, people messing with trolls, tempers being raised, on and on...


Almost none of the issue having to do with the team most of us root for!


Now to steal a line from the defunct Dennis Miller of old, I don't mean to go off on a rant here but WTF is up with peoples priorities anymore?


Everything is entertainment and nothing is substance!


A guy fortunate enough to be blessed with skills, and a career that pays him to work out and stay in shape, play a game, get paid for his likeness, etc. etc. etc., is on TV is bitching that he can't make enough money to feed his family. Even with his horrible contract, he is making almost as much money in the first three years, than the combined GDP of 3 small countries COMBINED, according to the CIA factbook.


If the figures I have seen are right, he is making more in his base salary this year than 75 US households, COMBINED, based on the national median household income. But then people say but it is a violent game, he could be injured and lose his whole career at any second.


Oh Really?


How about our friends and brothers fighting in Iraq? According to CNN, 1184, of our soldiers killed, 13,769 wounded. Among those, Pat Tillman, who gave up NFL riches, to fight for what he beieved in.


According to Salary.com the average entry level position in the service is 10-30k a year. Now I am going to go out on a limb and assume that with combat pay and fact that many of our elite soldiers over there are not in that entry level, that at about an average of maybe 37k a year, TO is making what 87 of the higher paid soldiers are making COMBINED, and as much as the COMBINED salary 146 specialists/corporals (E4) make at the high end of their pay scale.


While I am on the subject, why is it I can find out the average income of a teacher, an athlete, or a management specialist, with a quick Google, but when I look for the average income of a soldier in Iraq, it is difficult to find the information. But that is another rant, for another time...


The point is this is a game, the people we are watching are entertainers, or enterthletes, or athletainers. They should be compensated, for opening their lives to us, for keeping us distracted from our own lives, beating themselves up for our entertainment, but this is getting way out of hand...


The game is rich, so athletes focus on a game, rather than academics. The guys that can't play see this and say, "hmmm, I can't play, but many who can, can't read, and those who are uneducated, can be easily manipulated." So they start to represent athetes. The owners are greedy, keeping the riches for themselves, making money off of the poor uneducated athlete.


So the players and agents ask for more, the media needing to sell advertisement, sensationalize, we, the fans, rationalize and hypothesize. Another athlete decides he is not getting the attention he deserves now, and starts the whole cycle over again.


In the meantime all the **** that really matters, family, friends, education, our world, our government, goes on without the attention it deserves, because we are distracted.


Then again, I could be wrong.



Bring on the season, I want my Bills football. This other **** is making my head hurt...


F.T.O. - He represents much that is wrong right now.







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I can't wait to see TO's response to this...


Eagles | Owens Sent Letter about Behavior Problems

Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:51:59 -0700


ESPN's Sal Palantonio reports the Philadelphia Eagles have sent WR Terrell Owens a letter outlining what they perceive is a series of behavioral problems over the past two weeks. Owens acknowledged the letter during a conversation with ESPN's Michael Irvin. A source characterized the letter as the beginning of a process to suspend Owens if behavior does not change after he meets with head coach Andy Reid. Owens is expected to rejoin the Eagles Wednesday, Aug. 17, but Reid has said he only would allow Owens back on the field if he sees a marked change in his attitude and behavior.

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I can't wait to see TO's response to this...


Eagles | Owens Sent Letter about Behavior Problems

Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:51:59 -0700


ESPN's Sal Palantonio reports the Philadelphia Eagles have sent WR Terrell Owens a letter outlining what they perceive is a series of behavioral problems over the past two weeks. Owens acknowledged the letter during a conversation with ESPN's Michael Irvin. A source characterized the letter as the beginning of a process to suspend Owens if behavior does not change after he meets with head coach Andy Reid. Owens is expected to rejoin the Eagles Wednesday, Aug. 17, but Reid has said he only would allow Owens back on the field if he sees a marked change in his attitude and behavior.



WTF is this, middle school?


All sports contracts should have a "plays well with others" clause. I know the media game is the media game, but geeze. It's bad enough we can't get real news. Now we can't even get decent sports news.


So, who already has him in their fantasy draft?

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A Philly city councilman with too much time on his hands....


Eagles | City Councilman Wants Rosenhaus Investigated

Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:00:45 -0700


The Philadelphia Inquirer reports a Philadelphia city councilman has sent a letter to the City's Department of Licensing and Inspections requesting an investigation into the business license and tax status of sports agent Drew Rosenhaus, who represents Philadelphia Eagles WR Terrell Owens. Frank DiCicco stated in his letter that "Drew Rosenhaus has earned thousands of dollars on the backs of our beloved Eagles. However, to my knowledge, the City has not earned a penny on the back of Mr. Rosenhaus." According to city code, any individual doing business within the City of Philadelphia must obtain a business privilege license and pay business privilege taxes. Any individual found to have not obtained a license is subject to fines and up to 90 days imprisonment, as well as the payment of all taxes and penalties.

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A Philly city councilman with too much time on his hands....


Eagles | City Councilman Wants Rosenhaus Investigated

Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:00:45 -0700


The Philadelphia Inquirer reports a Philadelphia city councilman has sent a letter to the City's Department of Licensing and Inspections requesting an investigation into the business license and tax status of sports agent Drew Rosenhaus, who represents Philadelphia Eagles WR Terrell Owens. Frank DiCicco stated in his letter that "Drew Rosenhaus has earned thousands of dollars on the backs of our beloved Eagles. However, to my knowledge, the City has not earned a penny on the back of Mr. Rosenhaus." According to city code, any individual doing business within the City of Philadelphia must obtain a business privilege license and pay business privilege taxes. Any individual found to have not obtained a license is subject to fines and up to 90 days imprisonment, as well as the payment of all taxes and penalties.



Perhaps, bujt if DR indeed plied his trade in the City limits, should not the law be enforced?

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