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The Terrel Owens thread

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Even though TO did sign the contract, the Eagles had to see this coming.  Despite the fact that it is a negotiation, you can't let a guy sign a contract that you know isn't fair market value.  It's like playing chess against a moron and you have to tell him what move to make next because you don't want to beat him that easy.  The 7 years $49m number is worthless.  The only thing that matters in football contracts is guaranteed money because any game could be their last.  As far as Willis goes, if he has an All Pro season, Donahoe will give him what he deserves.  He is not a cheap bastard like the Eagles front office.



how convenient to forget the $10 mil he got last year.


Also convenient to whine that the contract is one sided based on the premise that the team can cut the player at any time.

However, getting cut loose to be a free agenet is exactly what the players, especially Owens, want and is why the agent designs the contract with big back end bonues and salaries to force the team to cut the player loose.


If Owens wanted to control his own destiny, he should have signed a 1 year deal (which would have been for less money than whata in got in signing bonus).


Unfortunately for Owens, he picked the absolute worst team in the league to try to extort money from. Although the Eagles need a WR desperately, they will put a higher priority on the TEAM and will make an example of Owens. If he continues to be disruptive, the team will suspend him, implement the contract clause that allows them to reclaim a chunk of his signing bonus for "conduct detrimental to the team"


Not to mention that TO won't accrue a year of service and thus won't be eligible for the big bonus due next year.

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Anyone think that if T.O. came back and played really well for another 5 years he could ever make the HOF ? Barry Sanders quit his team and still made it, but he was one of if not the best of all time. (Most people in Michigan still even like him, I can't forgive him for quitting). So, anyone think that with his current antics and antics in the past T.O. Could make the hall of the (in) famous ?

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Anyone think that if T.O. came back and played really well for another 5 years he could ever make the HOF ? Barry Sanders quit his team and still made it, but he was one of if not the best of all time. (Most people in Michigan still even like him, I can't forgive him for quitting). So, anyone think that with his current antics and antics in the past T.O. Could make the hall of the (in) famous ?



Please don't lump Barry Sanders in the same conversation as TO, he has way too much class for that.

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This may get merged with the other TO thread, but what did you think about Boomer's interview at halftime last night? Anyone watch? Hard to describe it other that to say I was embarassed for Berman (not in a nice way embarassed). TO and SOS ran roughshod through the entire thing, and Berman had absolutely zero control. He couldn't/wouldn't interrupt their monologues to make point or ask follow-ups for clarification. It was a complete joke. The only good thing is TO looked like SOS's lapdog.



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The Eagles have just told him that "You are playing for us or not at all and there will be NO renegotiation"


TO is just totally out of touch with reality. If he doesn't like his contract, then why did he sign it ONE year ago? He is acting like a spoiled little rich brat. I suppose he thinks if he acts like an a-hole the Eagles will pay him just so he will be "happy" or trade him and some other team will pay him. TO was 100% wrong about everything. According to him in his interviews yesterday, it's everybody else that's wrong and not him. I wanted to reach through the TV and punch him in the face- and his agent too.


The reality of NFL contracts is that only the signing bonus and the current season under contract are guaranteed.


He is untradeable. I do not think even a-hole owners like Snyder, Jones or Al Davis would want TO now. Who's to say if he did get $60 million over 7 years with a big bonus and next year that wouldn't be good enough and he'd pull his little baby act again?


"Owens earned a total of $9.16 million last year, including a signing bonus, and is scheduled to earn $3.25 million this year, plus incentives.


He has another signing bonus of $2.5 million, a roster bonus of $5 million and a base salary of $770,000 for a total of $8.27 million in 2006"


Over $12 million in his bank account over the first two years of his contract and over $20 million over the first three years is unfair? 48 Games of football for $20 million? Sign me up. I guess his family is eating $10,000 gold flake steaks and are paying people to wipe their behinds with $100's afterwards. (Probably Drew Rosenhaus)


I used to find his antics amusing and thought he was a team player. There is no team in TO. Send him to Iraq for a year and see how quickly his attitude changes. That would give him a huge dose of reality.

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i agree he should have had a little bit more control but i have to observations...


1. it was nice to see a guy let the people he was interviewing speak and have their say. (regardless of what was being said).


2. when the camera was on Berman it looked like he was a little amused by the rant. :D

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T.O. is an attention whore and as long as the media indulges him- he wins. Let him fade into obscurity. Better yet let him find a different job that would pay him the same salary. Let him work 40-50 hour weeks.

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when barry quit, he was the #2 career rusher... TO still needs to put about 5 years of stats on his belt and grow up... If he puts up huge numbers to finish his career, and he grows up, he might even be a first ballot guy. He'll get in, but if he doesn't shape up, he'll be "punished" by missing a few ballots.

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I'm showing my age here, but the two kinda reminded me of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy... :D


Link for the youngtimers




I watched that interview last night and here is what I took away from it.


1) TO is not TO but rather an Eddie Murphy SNL character.


2) Four hundred years ago, Drew Rosenhaus would be selling snakeskin oil off the back of a covered wagon.


3) TO and Rosenhaus are burying themselves, especially in the post-game ESPN interview with the two reporters where TO gives yet another reason for this happening: it's because the Eagles don't like Drew because Drew is doing this with other players, so it's really only because he's changed agents.


4) Listening to TO made me realize that he will be signed by the Raiders, the only team that will take a person like this...and when this happens....


5) The NFL will officially have stopped being the NFL and start being the new age of WWF and Hulk Hogan will have joined the Oakland Land of Misfit Toys.


6) Not totally unrelated, SportsCenter is no longer SportsCenter but rather an evil mutation of Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood combined to discuss sports. I don't watch ESPN outside of football games and Primetime, but I used to. WTF happened to that !@#$ing show? It's an embarrassment and I regret I don't have the money to start up a real sports station that reports sports news and doesn't make noises just to hear itself talk.


See ya, TO. And don't worry. There's a lot of money to be made imitating Eddie Murphy.

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Please don't lump Barry Sanders in the same conversation as TO, he has way too much class for that.






It's not fair to lump Barry in there as a 'quitter'. He was backed into a corner by the Lions. He wanted to play for a contender, he saw Detriot was not committed to doing what was necessary to become one, and wanted out, which Detroit was not willing to facilitate. He was left w/ no other option. Do you think he wanted to leave the game as the #2 rusher all time? You think he, like Jim Brown before him, couldn't have put up 20,000 yards if he wanted to?

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i just yakked it up for a few minutes with a buddy in Philly.

he said the Eagles GM was on sports talk radio in Philly and said TO will either play for the Eagles this year or he will be sitting out the season without pay.

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I hope Lionel Gates is the real deal, because if Willis stays healthy this year, there is absolutely 100% chance this blood parasite will hold him out for a "fair market value contract".



If Willis stays healthy this year, he's going to be an all-fuggin pro stud who just completed his 3rd year in the league and if the Bills are smart, they will go to Rosenhause themselves and start looking to redo the deal. It would be in Buffalo's best interests to lock him up and make him happy.


Totally different situation from Owens. TO, awesome receiver though he is, whined his way out of San Fran, then threw a temper tantrum to get out of Baltimore, and now because he has a new agent who is encouraging him Terrell is throwing the mother of all hissy fits after only ONE year into his new deal. Fug him. I hope Philly keeps him around and invents new ways to fine him every week, so they could at least get some of their money back while making TO's life miserable.

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