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  BRH said:
First time I remember seeing it was during the 1984 baseball season.  I remember the Padres fans were doing it in the NLCS at the Murph.  It would explain a lot if it were true that Californians invented such a mindless activity.



I believe the credit for " Inventing the Wave " goes to the University of Washington football fans, around 1981-82...I've read that several times..


Come to think of it. Folks, I understand the eagle and plane flying around was cool. Why are you cheering during the Anthem. Please show some respect next time. Stand stright and proud. And be quiet.

  Mark VI said:
I believe the credit for " Inventing the Wave " goes to the University of Washington football fans, around 1981-82...I've read that several times..




So they're the knuckleheads :huh:



And yes, Challenger the Eagle was very cool...the planes were awesome...

Ahhhh, there's nothing like opening day :(

  VABills said:
Come to think of it.  Folks, I understand the eagle and plane flying around was cool.  Why are you cheering during the Anthem.  Please show some respect next time.  Stand stright and proud.  And be quiet.


Because there was a timing mixup and the planes were coming over the stadium during the anthem, rather than right after it.

  LewPort71 said:


I am still amazed at the start of the game and the bald eagle...That was cool.



That was awesome seeing the planes and that eagle flying around. Anyone have any pics of those? B)


yes, I took the planes and a couple of the eagle. I'll see if I can figure out the new scanner

  #89 said:
yes, I took the planes and a couple of the eagle.  I'll see if I can figure out the new scanner



Alright! Cindy. :)


Are ya sure the mountains didn't block the shot ? :)

  cåblelady said:
Alright! Cindy.  :)


Are ya sure the mountains didn't block the shot ?  :)




Think about it Harriet -I can look up and see just fine, it's when I look down :(:doh: Was that a Blonde moment? :):angry:


I am so glad that ROCK pointed this out. I hate the Freaking wave. My interests at a Bills game are to watch whats happening on the field! I can give two stevestojans what everyone else in the crowd is doing. Im not sure who stated this on the first page of this thread, but you're right, some people have no reason to be at a Bills game. DO THE FREAKING WAVE FROM YOUR COUCH AT HOME WHEN YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT WATCHING A FOOTBALL GAME THAT YOU GOT FREE TICKETS TO.


  VABills said:
The Wave: Regardless of claims to the contrary, the very first "Wave," whereby fans form a wave going around the stadium by standing up, then sitting down, occurred at Husky Stadium -- the October 31, 1981 UW-Stanford game, to be precise, which the UW won 42-31 after reeling off 28 straight points to come from behind. Rob Weller, then UW yell-leader and later co-host of Entertainment Tonight, claims that the Wave was his invention. The story is that thw Wave was originally planned to rise from the lowest to the highest seats in the student section and then back down again, but it was found that this was impractical to coordinate. Instead, a left-to-right (east to west) wave was substituted, with the wave then running around the stadium's horseshoe. I personally doubt that the wave all around the stadium was actually planned -- it is much more likely, it seems to me, that the initial plan was the have the wave go left-to-right and then right-to-left within the student section, since one could hardly expect the remainder of fans (in the horseshoe end) to automatically pick up on it. That they did anyway is a credit to the enthusiasm of the typical Husky fan. Since then, practically every other place in the USA has claimed that it invented the Wave



For fuggs sake - like the USA ACTUCALLY made up the wave. Sometimes your nation is pathetic.


The Wave originated in Mexico gaining prominence in the World Cup finals in 1970. It was then used internationally at sporting events (incl. College Football, Hockey and Pro-Football in the US). It was first seen (internationally) in Mexico City in the Azteca Stadium in 1968 during the Mexico Olympics. Mexico's right of ownership was confirmed during the Mexico World Cup two years later. It gained a 'craze' status in 184 when used in the Olyimpics Opening Ceremony in LA in 1984 which spawned the Mexican Wave craze of the 1986 world cup.


Other anecdotal, unconfirmed reports claim that the wave has long been a staple of the huge crowds at south american soccer matches for decades.


Much as I love you guys - America did NOT come up with the wave idea - though they did have a large part to play in drawing it into international conciousness.

  Nick in England said:


Much as I love you guys - America did NOT come up with the wave idea - though they did have a large part to play in drawing it into international conciousness.



Nonsense. America invented everything. Hell, we invented gravity. :)

  Lori said:


Jeez.  :huh:



I think the Wave is fun and represents support for our team. Still, I can see it could be distracting to the audience and the players. Making alot of noise when our players need to hear each other is a no no, I get that. What logic!

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