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And I'm already sick of the ESPN announcing crew.


Joe Theismann is a retard and Paul Maguire was just going over and over "he respects the game, you gotta respect the game, you gotta respect the game, you gotta respect the game, you gotta respect the game"

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With the advances in technology like the first down overlay, graphics constantly displaying the time, score. down and distance and the crawl updating out of town scores, much that I used to count upon announcers to provide is there.


If one adds in the internet which can increasingly be used in parallel to the image of the game and merely add a commentator who appears once or twice a quarter to explain odd penalties and blown calls and I can easily do without the blather.


We can simply whine about as the Internet often is used for, or perhaps TSW might begin to lobby for the announcerless game to make a comeback attempt.

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I can't believe the stupidity some people spout about ex-Bills who commentate!  Tasker and Paul are ok in my book and I'd rather listen to them than others.



I don't mind Tasker, but Maguire can be just horrid at times, ala John Madden. He isn't a pompous ass though unlike Joe Theissman.


Just because they were Bills doesn't mean they are good commentators.

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Did you watch 'til the end of the game? It turned out to be a good game. I'm fairly certain during the last two minutes you heard Paul McGuire comment that there probably isn't an empty seat in the house....followed by yet another camera scan of the stadium showing all the empty seats.


Guys. Look. We get it. The folks in Green Bay are cool. They sit in a piss storm to watch their team. Excellent. Can we now discuss what's happening?


Wait. Let's go to Suzy on the sideline:


"Guys, I'm here with Bill and Martha Jones of Old !@#$s, WI and they've had their season tickes for 35 years. Folks, what's it been like for the past 35 years?"


Martha Jones: "I...uhh...well...I...uh...great. Just great."


Back to you, Dan.


(I liked my football better before I realized I could stand in judgement of sportscasters.)

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I can't believe the stupidity some people spout about ex-Bills who commentate!  Tasker and Paul are ok in my book and I'd rather listen to them than others.


huh? :D


stupidity? tasker ranks in the bottom third of CBS analysts -- that's a fact. look at the games he and criqui get to cover. whenever they do bills' games, it's either a 90s lovefest or they're overly critical so as not to look like homers. either way, it's painful to watch.


maguire is just an ass, plain and simple. a true madden wannabe, and most folks are tired of madden's schtick so he's off the mark yet again. the entire ESPN crew are annoying as hell.


you're entitled to your opinion, but i don't think it's accurate to call other opinions "stupidity."

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Wait. Let's go to Suzy on the sideline:

"Guys, I'm here with Bill and Martha Jones of Old !@#$s, WI and they've had their season tickes for 35 years. Folks, what's it been like for the past 35 years?"

Martha Jones: "I...uhh...well...I...uh...great. Just great."




:D:P !!! :(:(

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As much as I cannot stand Theisman, and think Macguire is a horrible analyst, Joe was great when talking about T.O. just before half-time. Basically, he said, T.O., sit down and shut up, you're making a total ass of yourself." Even Macquire looked at him, like, wow, I can't believe you just said that. While this is not earth-shattering insight, you rarely see a guy on a national game like that lay into a player, which he did. And Theisman even likes T.O.


But now, JT can just go back to be a terrible analyst.

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Let me tell you that Paul Macguire played for the Buffalo Bills, and I honestly believe that of the ex-Buffalo Bill announcers, he's one of them, and I'll tell you what, being an annoucer, he does what announcers do, he goes to the game and announces, and Let me tell you that when an announcer announces a game, I honestly believe that that announcer should tell you stuff, and let me tell you what, nobody tells you stuff better than a guy like Brett Favre, and I honestly believe that if you're going to tell somebody stuff like Brett Favre, I'll tell you what, nobody can tell you stuff like Brett Favre better than Paul Macguire, and I honestly believe that.


It's like that, for 3 straight hours.


Every time Macguire utters an "I'll tell you what," or "let me tell you" or "I honestly believe" I want a sadistic Korean woman to pluck out one of his mustache hairs with a pair of rusty tweezers.

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Let me tell you that Paul Macguire played for the Buffalo Bills, and I honestly believe that of the ex-Buffalo Bill announcers, he's one of them, and I'll tell you what, being an annoucer, he does what announcers do, he goes to the game and announces, and Let me tell you that when an announcer announces a game, I honestly believe that that announcer should tell you stuff, and let me tell you what, nobody tells you stuff better than a guy like Brett Favre, and I honestly believe that if you're going to tell somebody stuff like Brett Favre, I'll tell you what, nobody can tell you stuff like Brett Favre better than Paul Macguire, and I honestly believe that.





Every time Macguire utters an "I'll tell you what," or "let me tell you"

Or the ever-popular "I'm'a tell you what." :D

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Let me tell you that Paul Macguire played for the Buffalo Bills, and I honestly believe that of the ex-Buffalo Bill announcers, he's one of them, and I'll tell you what, being an annoucer, he does what announcers do, he goes to the game and announces, and Let me tell you that when an announcer announces a game, I honestly believe that that announcer should tell you stuff, and let me tell you what, nobody tells you stuff better than a guy like Brett Favre, and I honestly believe that if you're going to tell somebody stuff like Brett Favre, I'll tell you what, nobody can tell you stuff like Brett Favre better than Paul Macguire, and I honestly believe that.


It's like that, for 3 straight hours. 


Every time Macguire utters an "I'll tell you what," or "let me tell you" or "I honestly believe" I want a sadistic Korean woman to pluck out one of his mustache hairs with a pair of rusty tweezers.


Exactly. And every time, which is five times per game, that he says, "Now watch this!", it's imperative to watch very closely, because it's not going to remotely resemble what he is saying is about to be seen.

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Exactly. And every time, which is five times per game, that he says, "Now watch this!", it's imperative to watch very closely, because it's not going to remotely resemble what he is saying is about to be seen.




McGuire. The only thing worse than his announcing is seeing him in hi-def while he's announcing.

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There are 2 commentators that are the worst.


One - Joe Theisman


He is the absolute worst announcer ever. Last year during the Bills game, he must have commented on the McGahee injury 50 times. He kept saying lets see that again. I think it should be the standard for every time Theisman speaks that a clip of his injury should be played twice. Once in full speed and the other in super slow motion. I dont even care if its the 4th quarter with 2 secs to go on the goaline. If he speaks, play the clip. He will learn to be a lot more select on when and what to speak.


Two - Chris Colingsworth


This guy gives Theisman a run for his money. He is an arrogant moron. Its so obvious that he is anti-certain teams. Especially the Bills. He has never said anything good about them. He almost always picks against them unless they are playing a team ranked 27 or below. Hes a giant fool. I can't stand him either.


Anyone agree?

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Theismann and Collinsworth are true idiots. Collinsworth has been strangly absent for the past year here, but for years I got to hear his snide voice in local commercials. I can't recall the Bengals club having anything to do with him - I assume they don't like him.


#1 on my "can't stand" list is Bob Trumpy. He's incredibly two-faced. He occasionally shows up on one of the local radio talk shows - extremely rude, belittling, and arrogant.

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