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Dr. Fong

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Took the family to Busch Gardens today. Was having a great time until I made the fateful decision to do that ring the bell with the hammer game. I'm usually very good at this and win almost ever time I do it. For some reason this time it came down a little funny and my body was in a weird position. The hammer struck the plate at a weird angle and it bounced back and hit me in the head. A trip to the emergency room and 7 stiches on the top of my head later and I feel like a complete fool. So I guess next time I'm at Busch Gardens I'll give it a miss.

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Third one this season?  The Game is a hazard!  Sue em!  Call Cellino and...oops Barnes, just Barnes.


:blink: Am I the only one who wonders how Barnes can keep a straight face in his new ads? "Hi, my partner just went up the river. But hire me! Hire me!"

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:blink:  Am I the only one who wonders how Barnes can keep a straight face in his new ads?  "Hi, my partner just went up the river.  But hire me!  Hire me!"



For the out of towners who only get to hear about it once a year, what happened?

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:blink:  Am I the only one who wonders how Barnes can keep a straight face in his new ads?  "Hi, my partner just went up the river.  But hire me!  Hire me!"



Dang. I must have missed something. What happened to Celino?

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They got caught advancing money to clients. Cellino got suspended for 6 months and Barnes just got yelled at. Since Cellino was suspended they had to pull any ads with him and also drop him from the firm name and letterhead etc. Now all the billboards just show Barnes looking lonely and its called "The Barnes Firm"


I think that they should have had to collect up all of our phone books and give us new ones without Cellino plastered all over them. :blink:


They came close to getting disbarred which would have put them out of commision for good. But they must have come up with enough money to the right people.

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For some reason this time it came down a little funny and my body was in a weird position. 


Hate it when that happens! :blink:



What ages are your kids? If this were me I would be hearing about it for the rest of my life. Remember the time dad... ;):P

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Dang. I must have missed something. What happened to Celino?


Ross Cellino was disciplined by the state bar for something, I forget what, but it may have been commingling client funds with personal funds... a big no-no. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the story because I don't like giving those ambulance chasers any more attention than they deserve, but I think his license was suspended for at least a year.


Now the big billboards coming into the city, and the ubiquitous commercials, say "Barnes Law Firm" instead of "Cellino and Barnes."

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Ross Cellino was disciplined by the state bar for something, I forget what, but it may have been commingling client funds with personal funds... a big no-no.  I didn't pay a lot of attention to the story because I don't like giving those ambulance chasers any more attention than they deserve, but I think his license was suspended for at least a year.


Now the big billboards coming into the city, and the ubiquitous commercials, say "Barnes Law Firm" instead of "Cellino and Barnes."


Oops I missed Live & Die's post above. What he said. Barnes looking lonely :blink:

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