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Would you do this?

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Saw a special on body modification on the Discovery Channel and they showed this procedure being performed on an individual. Not only did he bleed like a stuck pig, but they did a follow up on the guy and his tongue completely re-healed and he said that he was going to get it done again.


Personally, I wouldn't do it but I really don't care what other people do to their own bodies.

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Personally, I wouldn't do it but I really don't care what other people do to their own bodies.



I do. We have to look at them, after all. Eye pollution should be everyone's concern.... :(

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I am so grateful I chose not to have kids.  What a world this is turning into.  As far as calling this a trend.  I think that is a misuse of the word trend.  Illness would be a better choice of words.


My God! Not every kid is doing this! Only 2000 people have had it done.

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As disgusted as I am with self-mutilation, I am concerned that lawmakers feel the need to pass a law against it. If you like the idea of speaking with a lisp, risking bacterial infection, and have people laugh at your stupidity, I think you should be free to do so.

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