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The Villareal hold was just the straw that


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No the defense didn't win the game, but they shouldn't have been in the position to have to do that. Up until that last drive and the one before the first half was over, the defense dominated the Jag offense.


There were four plays that really killed the Bills.


1: Obviously the missed field goal. We lost by 3 points. Enough said.


2: That first Moulds fumble (even though Bledsoe seems to be getting credit for

some reason). Was anyone surprised that the ball was going to Moulds

on that play? A few play earlier the Bills ran a play from that same

formation where Moulds did that odd motion. It was a bad call, and I think

Clements was trying to be a little too cute with that one.


3: The second Moulds fumble on the 6 yard line? I love Moulds but that one had

me cursing at the T.V.


4: Holding on third and short when they are trying to run out the clock. Villareal

really screwed the pooch on that one.


London's Ryan Lindell impression was pretty dumb, but I don't think that I cost us the game. I also think that maybe he's a little frustrated that the defense once again did more than it's job but the offense made it's typical mistakes.

I'm not losing hope though. I was pleased with the interceptions and ground commitment. Bledsoe also did well I thought. He "executed," made good decisions and didn't do anything to lose the game.

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