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Are motorcycle riders stupid?


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What are you saying take pics and provide links? ;)  :D


Sinking?  OTHER people have swamped 'em in the past.  Remember, I might be an SOB on the surface but, when push comes to shove, I have a soft under belly for people in need... I will always help.  I guess I must be a kitty because I am always trying to help the clueless bastards.  Kinda like the blind leading the blind.  It is just the thing that might get me killed or injured.



I bet you love puppies, merry-go-rounds, cotton candy and spring flowers, too.


Doesn't make you a kitty in the least. Wimp, maybe...


I honestly think there are a lot of people like that on this particular board (PPP, too many kids who don't know anything on TSW), they'd just never admit it. I know a few of them, and they'd be the first to help where they could.


Me, on the other hand - I'm a heartless, evil bastard.

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This is a strange thread, and I find it amusing for a few reasons.


1.) This statement


I'm in favor of helmets.



is rather silly. Why wouldn't you be in favor of helmets? AFAIK the only thing people are disputing about helmets is whether they should be enforced by law or not. ;)


2.) 87.3% of the facts in this thread are made up. :D


3.) Motorcycle people are crazy when defending themselves.


Oh, and to add my opinion:


Its stupid to mandate what a person can and can't do with these types of laws. Suggest or recommend away federal government, but don't force.

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This is a strange thread, and I find it amusing for a few reasons.


1.) This statement

is rather silly.  Why wouldn't you be in favor of helmets?  AFAIK the only thing people are disputing about helmets is whether they should be enforced by law or not.  ;)


2.) 87.3% of the facts in this thread are made up.  :D


3.) Motorcycle people are crazy when defending themselves.


Oh, and to add my opinion:


Its stupid to mandate what a person can and can't do with these types of laws.  Suggest or recommend away federal government, but don't force.



FTR, I don't and have never ridden motorcycles, beyond a little dirt bike in the back field. Maybe if people wouldn't laugh at the training wheels.

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FTR, I don't and have never ridden motorcycles, beyond a little dirt bike in the back field. Maybe if people wouldn't laugh at the training wheels.



Haha. I've ridden them, my dad has a Harley back in Florida, but I never really have seen the appeal of a motorcycle and I don't really care for em.

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Just another positive for freedom.  Donorcycling.



Here's a negative though:


When you're short on parking space, motorcycles get the best parking spots.


Lets advocate equal parking spots for everyone!

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Personally, I'm in favor of letting people choose when it comes to helmets. We're dangerously short on good organs for those who need them.



Good point. Can't transplant brains anyway.


I was serious a while ago. I'm well past little kids, but from my limited recent exposure, they'd be terrified, because of what their parents, relatives and teachers tell them, to even TRY some of the stuff we did for fun. It goes well beyond what is perceived as physical danger too. We simply never thought about it, but at the same time knew enough not to be stupid. I remember going for "expeditions" down Cayuga Creek to dig fossils out of a boulder that had rolled down the cliff. All day amusement for no money spent, the bike ride down there was good for the legs and the heart. Chipping a big shell out of the rock without breaking it was good to learn precision and patience, not to mention science, and in our own way an appreciation for the world.


But, whatever. Someday the computer and TV might turn off. For more than a week! But, that can never happen, so I'm just an old fool.

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We also shot guns and climbed trees, rock cliffs and other verticle things. We had chemistry sets, pocket knives and swam in creeks without lifeguards. And, some of us made it.


Motherment = wimp society.



Those all remain the same. and your point??

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I bet you love puppies, merry-go-rounds, cotton candy and spring flowers, too.


Me, on the other hand - I'm a heartless, evil bastard.


I feel sorry for you. I bet you love violence, anger, dead flowers and radiation.

Doesn't mean you are evil... sad maybe.

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i don't ride a motorcycle but i have heard from many friends that do ride, one reason they prefer to not wear a helmet is because it helps them hear what is going on in traffic a bit better.....therefore in their minds making it safer to not wear a helmet.

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If we're going to be forced to pay for someone else's hospital bills because they are stupid enough not to wear a helmet, then it IS the government's responsibility to ensure we save our tax dollars for stuff that's worthwhile.



It just occurred to me, too, that helmet laws may very well have increased the medical costs of motorcycle riding, simply because people that cave their heads in are much less likely to require medical care than those that break every bone in their body BUT they're skull.


Yes, there's some hyperbole there...but everyone I personally know who's ever ridden a motorcycle has 1) incurred at least a six-figure hospital bill, and 2) would have incurred NO hospital bill if they weren't wearing a helmet, as they'd have been dead at the scene. I suspect if anyone ever bothered to do a study of it, they'd be surprised at how much motorcycle helmets do NOT decrease medical costs...

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