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Ricky Williams mental state?

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WOW what a nut! When asked, the other day, if he was excited about playing vs the Bears in the HOF game he said "Not really...." WHAT??? I knew that he was a flake, but seeing all the interviews that he has done since coming back I have to wonder if he needs professional help. You also have to ask what the hell are the Dolphins doing letting this guy near a mic??



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WOW what a nut! When asked, the other day, if he was excited about playing vs the Bears in the HOF game he said "Not really...." WHAT??? I knew that he was a flake, but seeing all the interviews that he has done since coming back I have to wonder if he needs professional help. You also have to ask what the hell are the Dolphins doing letting this guy near a mic??




a preseason game vs a bad team.

we all know he wants to be somewhere else. but hes stuck there.


atleast he was honest.


(he didnt run to good yesterday though).

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How could you leave the the game you proclaim to love in the first place? All the pot he smoked made him lazy and turned his brain to mush. Its too bad


From my perspective it's too good. He ruined that team last year, and they still haven't recovered. The one down side is that Wanny got canned, I wish he could have stuck around another 5-6 years.

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Quite honestly, despite that fact that he's a doobie-smokin deserter, he sounded pretty centered last night. At first I thought he sounded like a stoner, but the more he answered the questions, the more he sounded like he's figured some things out for himself. Yeah, he's a flake, but in reality, how many 21-year-olds can mentally and emotionally get through what happened to him when Ditka drafted him?


She asks if he's got the passion back to play the game and he says he's got the passion back for everything, not just football. She asks if money had anything to do with it, and he says he'd be lying if he said otherwise. In fact, a few times during the interview, she would ask a question and he did a good job of saying "You see (fill in the blank with downside) and I see (fill in the blank with an opportunity)."


I thought he did a good job last night. Pick on him for deserting his team, but don't pick on him because he's making more sense out of his life.

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Quite honestly, despite that fact that he's a doobie-smokin deserter, he sounded pretty centered last night. At first I thought he sounded like a stoner, but the more he answered the questions, the more he sounded like he's figured some things out for himself. Yeah, he's a flake, but in reality, how many 21-year-olds can mentally and emotionally get through what happened to him when Ditka drafted him?


She asks if he's got the passion back to play the game and he says he's got the passion back for everything, not just football. She asks if money had anything to do with it, and he says he'd be lying if he said otherwise.  In fact, a few times during the interview, she would ask a question and he did a good job of saying "You see (fill in the blank with downside) and I see (fill in the blank with an opportunity)."


I thought he did a good job last night. Pick on him for deserting his team, but don't pick on him because he's making more sense out of his life.


Can we still pick on him for being a dolphin? He was trying to be honest and I believe sincere last night, but he's still a nut job.


how many 21-year-olds can mentally and emotionally get through what happened to him when Ditka drafted him?


The wedding dres is still affecting him? :D

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I'd rather pick on him for being a deserter. Jason Taylor was right, only I fear I'd have been more vocal and told Ricky to go !@#$ himself.


Jason Taylor is a whiny self-important tool and Ricky Williams doesn't owe him as much as a ball of belly-button lint. If 'lil Ricky didn't want to play ball because his heart wasn't in it, then he was right to do exactly what he did. Taylor should have shut his pie-hole and spent his time trying to improve his pathetic one play per game average.

If I was Williams' teamate I wouldn't have had the slightest problem with him leaving the game if he wasn't feeling the fire any more. It's a hell of a lot better thing to do than staying with the team and half-assing his way through the season just for a paycheck. Now that would have been a good reason for his 'mates to jump on him.


It's like Parcells says "Sometimes you get up in the morning and you just don't want to go out there and hit 'em any more.....and there's NO shame in that."

I commend Ricky for having the guts to be true to himself and ignore the slings and arrows that were bongbar........, errr bombarding him from every direction. If his heart wasn't in it then walking away from the season was a far superior option to sleepwalking through it.



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Quite honestly, despite that fact that he's a doobie-smokin deserter, he sounded pretty centered last night. At first I thought he sounded like a stoner, but the more he answered the questions, the more he sounded like he's figured some things out for himself. Yeah, he's a flake, but in reality, how many 21-year-olds can mentally and emotionally get through what happened to him when Ditka drafted him?


She asks if he's got the passion back to play the game and he says he's got the passion back for everything, not just football. She asks if money had anything to do with it, and he says he'd be lying if he said otherwise.  In fact, a few times during the interview, she would ask a question and he did a good job of saying "You see (fill in the blank with downside) and I see (fill in the blank with an opportunity)."


I thought he did a good job last night. Pick on him for deserting his team, but don't pick on him because he's making more sense out of his life.



I agree. It just seems that in sports, there really is no room for someone to be honest, or themselves, unless they are being an obnoxious ****. Then the media says they are an "original" or a free spirit. Ricky Williams may have some problems, but I think his answers to the moronic questions he is being asked have been kind of "over the head" of the questioners, and the audience that they market themselves to. I really believe that he is soul searching, and I kind of respect him for that...plus, anything that messes with the Dolphins can't be all bad, can it! ;)

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Quite honestly, despite that fact that he's a doobie-smokin deserter, he sounded pretty centered last night. At first I thought he sounded like a stoner, but the more he answered the questions, the more he sounded like he's figured some things out for himself. Yeah, he's a flake, but in reality, how many 21-year-olds can mentally and emotionally get through what happened to him when Ditka drafted him?


She asks if he's got the passion back to play the game and he says he's got the passion back for everything, not just football. She asks if money had anything to do with it, and he says he'd be lying if he said otherwise.  In fact, a few times during the interview, she would ask a question and he did a good job of saying "You see (fill in the blank with downside) and I see (fill in the blank with an opportunity)."


I thought he did a good job last night. Pick on him for deserting his team, but don't pick on him because he's making more sense out of his life.



(sniff) That was beautiful, man.


Of course, one can smoke a quarter pound a month and have some real deep thoughts about belly button lint, too. Let's see how he (and everyone else) plays.

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WOW what a nut! When asked, the other day, if he was excited about playing vs the Bears in the HOF game he said "Not really...." WHAT??? I knew that he was a flake, but seeing all the interviews that he has done since coming back I have to wonder if he needs professional help. You also have to ask what the hell are the Dolphins doing letting this guy near a mic??





Ummm.....I think you don't understand him. He isn't back because he wants to be here. ;)


He just doesn't want to pay back money he might've already spent or wants to keep. I think he has already "retired" mentally from football for good. The Dolphins want to trade this loser so bad but they haven't found any takers yet.

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