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Anyone watching the HOF ceremony?

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I am. benny freeman's accomplishments as a qb in the 1920s was honestly unbelievable. 50% completion rate, where 33% was the norm?? to put that in perspective, that's like a current QB completing 24 of 25 passes per game, every game. Manning's got nothing on that stat.


Fritz Pollard was the first great black pro athelete. The NFL had to blackball him and other black atheletes because he was so good. His grandson gave a great speech.



good lord, young's dad is going on and on and on...

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My God, did Steve Youngs dad go on long enough?  He must have talked for 20 minutes.  I didn't need his entire life story.


Not only that but he made a joke at the beginning of his speech that was all about himself (how someone mistook him for Y.A. Tittle). Nothing's more annoying than a presenter at an awards banquet who thinks the spotlight is on him.

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