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OT: Dating Help!!!!!!


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What happened to the 19 year old? She's probably 20 by now.

My advice is to have fun with her but don't take it too seriously. Do whatever you want. I honestly can't think of anything fun to do where drinking isn't involved (or at least where drinking would make it more fun.) Have as much sex with her as possible and try to talk her into some naughty things (again, this is easier when they're drunk, but she's young and impressionable so you have a shot.)


As for the Canadian, find a message board where somebody cares. We were talking about frolicking with a 19 year old and you screw it up by getting all mad. Buffalo's largest suburb, Toronto, is okay but French Canada is pathetic. Bunch of prissy bitches (and those are the dudes.)

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First let me say that I think the Bills are going to pretty dominate this year and aslong as JP Losman can be average to above...were gonna be fine...


But i gotta take this post Off Topic cause i need some help....

Well I'm 25 and for the first time since I turned 21, I'm dating a girl under 21(she's 19).....


I like this girl and we have alot of fun together....but I'm having trouble finding things we could do together, especially on weekends....See with my other girls in the past, on weekends we'd go hit up the local bars with some of my friends, drink and have a good time...HELL, cant even go to Atlantic City and gamble for a weekend, With her being 19 we cant do any of this....


Even when we go to a Restaurant for dinner, i gotta drink soda or water, cuz i feel it be wrong to drink in front of her when she cant.....


We go to dinner, movies, beach, billiards, bowling(she hates bowling...LoL), chill in my apt watching DVD's on the weekdays, etc......she's not into sports at all but oddly like to go the Golfing range and hit some balls.....but my problem is when it comes to the weekend...if there are no party's to go to....I really dont know what or were to bring her to have a good time....


Can anyone help a brother out....Ladies/Fellas of the TBD Forums help me out.....I'll take any suggestions right now



You should change your name from YOOOOOOOO to BOOOHOOO. Stop crying and seize the moment. When I was 25 I "dated" :doh: a 19 year old. She was kind of annoying but she was hot. When I was trying to figure out if I should even pursue her it all boiled down to mathematics. I was 25, she was 19. What was the probability that I would be able to hook up with a 19 year old again ever in my life? I determined that my odds were slim to none, so we "dated" for a couple weeks. Looking back, I'm glad I did because my math was correct.

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First let me say that I think the Bills are going to pretty dominate this year and aslong as JP Losman can be average to above...were gonna be fine...


But i gotta take this post Off Topic cause i need some help....

Well I'm 25 and for the first time since I turned 21, I'm dating a girl under 21(she's 19).....


I like this girl and we have alot of fun together....but I'm having trouble finding things we could do together, especially on weekends....See with my other girls in the past, on weekends we'd go hit up the local bars with some of my friends, drink and have a good time...HELL, cant even go to Atlantic City and gamble for a weekend, With her being 19 we cant do any of this....


Even when we go to a Restaurant for dinner, i gotta drink soda or water, cuz i feel it be wrong to drink in front of her when she cant.....


We go to dinner, movies, beach, billiards, bowling(she hates bowling...LoL), chill in my apt watching DVD's on the weekdays, etc......she's not into sports at all but oddly like to go the Golfing range and hit some balls.....but my problem is when it comes to the weekend...if there are no party's to go to....I really dont know what or were to bring her to have a good time....


Can anyone help a brother out....Ladies/Fellas of the TBD Forums help me out.....I'll take any suggestions right now




Dude who cares about all that? You're forgetting th3e most important thing, you're 25 and she's 19!! As long as she's a knockout 19 year old, then you should be coming up with your own activities. :doh:

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what's the big deal with hooking up with 19 year olds for a 25 year old?  i'm 28 and in the last 3 years prolly half the girls i've hooked up with were 18-21, and most of them were the ones to first show interest



You're such a slut.

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what's the big deal with hooking up with 19 year olds for a 25 year old?  i'm 28 and in the last 3 years prolly half the girls i've hooked up with were 18-21, and most of them were the ones to first show interest



Hey anyone 25 and up hookingn up with any hottie who is 19-21 is a big deal!

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After a number of years, ladies, bars and parties, I think back on a lot of wasted time and money in the bar scene. Yes, it was and can be fun but you will hit a point when it goes old and you realize that there is so much more than partying. Hopefully, your friend isn't a boozer and you can get to have fun in other ways. If she doesn't mind you for being older and vice versa make the most of it. Treat her well and give the relationship time. You will learn more and more about each other that will clue you into what to do together. Yes, as always you will need some breaks! Nowadays I make it a point not to date women who I meet in bars and I do better and am happier than all those nights in the clubs. Indeed it is more challenging to connect. It works for me. But you already made your connection so why go to overcrowded, overpriced places where you can't even hear each other talk. Try traveling, camping and hanging out together and with friends. And don't panic! There is something to envy about your "situation"!!!


Best of luck!!! :D

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