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Is it fair for you to be evaluated...


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My guess is that if your job performance was evaluated everyday, you'd probably complain about how unfair it was and quit... and rightfully so. We all have good days and we have bad ones... and the co-workers around us doing their jobs affect your own performace too.


Well, it's not fair that many of you posters evaluate JP play in, play out, day in day out and then consider it a sign of things to come... good or bad.


#1... he's a kid, basically a rookie... the equivalent of a red shirt freshman

#2... it's preseason.... rehearsal... blanks, not live bullets. No game planning.

#3... there are 10 other teamates that must execute for JP to be successful... and they'll have to do that against the NFL's #2 defense.


The success of the Bills this season does not rest soley on JP. The O line has to step up. Reed and Parrish must step up. The d-line without Pat W. is nowhere near as formidable as it is with him... and Ron Edwards has had 3 seasons to prove he is the answer and hasn't.


My take on JP is that he's got all the tools to be a great QB. he has great pocket presence, a great arm, great leadership ability, and great mobility. The only thing he doesn't have is great experience facing NFL defenses... and it's going to take him at least a season to digest that.


Basically, he's a kid learning on the job...so, you can't expect a lot from him this season. Physically, we just don't know how well he can hold up over a full season because he's never done it, and Teflon Tom isn't sold either or he wouldn't have brought in Holcomb nor brought back Matthews. Also, JP will face extremely difficult defenses in at least six games this year from just the AFC East teams... then he still has to go against TB, Carolina, Wade Phillips Charger D, The Falcons and Raiders D will be a lot better, and so will the Bengals. So, if the Bills are fortunate to win half of those battles, then they've got a shot at winning 9 games again and maybe squeaking into the playoffs. My own thinking is that they need 10 games to get to the post season party... and it is probably going to come down to the last game of the season to deteremine whether they finish with 9 wins or 10.


So, relax... let JP be JP. Don't get caught up in this "He lookks great" and then the next guy says he looked average, or worse. Take the media reports with a grain of salt and keep in mind that their jobs are to provoke and in doing so they garner attention and sell their stories... the accuracy doesn't matter.

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Depends on the job. People tend to do it to Presidents and CEO's too. It's the visibility level. The bagger at Wegmans gets evaluated daily , in some form or fashion, but no one but the bagger cares. Part of the pressure of fame and a unique job.

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Yes, JPL is struggling. No, he is not doing poorly. In fact, I'd say he's a bit ahead on the basics, getting past rookie mistakes, and he shows huge aptitude in areas that start developing later on for the good quarterbacks, such as leadership.


Other areas that are often constant/unchanging for quarterbacks, such as speed (of release, considering alternate recievers, and throw velocity) JPL looks to me like he's in the 80-90th percentile for starting NFL quarterbacks. Now that's exciting!


I'm eager to see how well he audibles in the real season.



I think you should be evaluated every day. Now, should you be disciplined based on a single "bad day?" I don't think so. I think a good boss would send the employee home for the day, or at least get them out of the spotlight. But, comparing my job to that of a professional athlete is a stretch. (Idon't know about your job).

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