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Oil for food story


I remember when everyone on the left was freaking out about the war in Iraq this was brought up as one of the reasons we had to go down the path that we did. While I will conceed that there was no hard evidence at the time it seemed very liklely that france and others were working dilgently to hide something.


Well looky here....now the truth is coming out and it looks like there was definately some dirty business being transacted by those who were charged with a humanitarian mission by the UN.


I wonder if we can get a count of how many people parrished in iraq due to starvation because they never recieved the food they were supposed to. And why didn't they? Well because assmonkeys like this sevan guy and many others thought they had a better use for saddams blood money.


Lets hope that these criminals are pursused with the same vigor and energy that they soldiers who put underware on their heads were. If we can get that kind of effort out of the elites on this one as they gave on the au grab ass one, then we have a chance at putting some folks in prison. of course don't expect that kind of effort.....after all, people only starved to death in the oil for food scandale, unlike the panty raid that took place in abu grab ass.


Don't worry, RIO, it takes some time for the doctors to get the dosage just right. In the interim these delusions, along with gas and bloating, are expected side effects.

Don't worry, RIO, it takes some time for the doctors to get the dosage just right.  In the interim these delusions, along with gas and bloating, are expected side effects.




Do you ever have anything worth while to say? Or is it always hate related?


Comments on the subject matter would be appreciated, but your continued ignorance is a sign of your real motivations here.

Physician, heal thyself.  :D




How are you today CrapMonk?


Have anything worthwhile to add, or just doing the useual again....throwing crap?

Do you ever have anything worth while to say? Or is it always hate related?


Comments on the subject matter would be appreciated, but your continued ignorance is a sign of your real motivations here.



These guys are going down Rich, and I'm pretty pumped up about it. The UN is an outdated corrupt body, and it's time we put these guys on notice.

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