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Robert Novak

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Paul Harvey reported today....

"CNN has suspended Robert Novak for swearing on the set at James Carville. I can't imagine how he could have ever gotten annoyed with James Carville."



Paul Harvey still has a tremendous gift of delivery.

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Hey, Buckey!


Still waiting for you to tell me about the Clinton administration enviromental accomplishments you spoke of.


Today, or maybe later???


Remember - no name calling. :w00t:


Oh, he posted it. It's the typical media spun garbage with a smattering of BS from none other than the Sierra Club.


But other people are lemmings. :doh:

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Oh, he posted it.  It's the typical media spun garbage with a smattering of BS from none other than the Sierra Club.


But other people are lemmings.  :doh:


Right, getting environmental information from environmentalists, how stupid is that? Was the information provided demonstrably inaccurate or do you just assume it must be based on the source? What source would you consider to be accurate?


I doubt that either you or stuckincincy really cares but for what it is worth, here is a comprehensive study of Environmental Policy under President Bill Clinton:


National Environmental Policy


...of course, since the study was done by Harvard, it must be wrong.

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Why didn't he climb on top of the desk and drop a Hulk Hogan pile driver down on that weasel Carville before he walked off the set?


That would have been sweet!


Oh please, it wasn't anything Carville said. Jesus freaking Christ, this is Robert Novak, he has been on TV shouting insults back and forth with other pundits for 20 years. That isn't what bothered him.


What got him to turn tail and run could have been the copy of "Who's Who" sitting right there on the desk during the exchange. He was about to be asked to look up Valerie Plame's name in that book to prove the truth of his assertion with regard to where he got her maiden name, that he "could" have got it just by looking her or her husband up in "Who's who".


Either that or the fact that a thick skinned, firey commentator who has spent decades trading insults with other talking heads suddenly just happened to storm off a show after a very low key jab is just a crazy coinkydink and has nothing to do with the fact that he is at the center of a growing criminal investigation, has made the assertion that he did about Who's Who, saw the book on the table and was told before the interview that he was going to be asked about his role in the Plame outing.

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I've heard the reason Novak walked off was the "Who's Who in America" book on the table. There was a question coming that he didn't want to hear and couldn't answer w/o looking like a lying schmuck.


bingo in the fireside room

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Right, getting environmental information from environmentalists, how stupid is that?  Was the information provided demonstrably inaccurate or do you just assume it must be based on the source?  What source would you consider to be accurate?


I doubt that either you or stuckincincy really cares but for what it is worth, here is a comprehensive study of Environmental Policy under President Bill Clinton:


National Environmental Policy


...of course, since the study was done by Harvard, it must be wrong.


You'll forgive me for preferring scientists to environmentalists and the candidates they support who each derive huge dollar benefits from being in bed together. I guess it's perfectly acceptable to ignore the big business/special interest component when it suites YOUR side of the argument (I don't even have a side in this argument - I think both sides of the aisle absolutely suck ass in protecting the environment).


I've been reading up on Cantor Fitzgerald's new "environmental credits" program and to be quite honest I believe that's going to do a hell of alot more for the environment in the long term than any of the panacea's that any Administration/enviromentalist wacko group is likely to accomplish.


The conclusions of that "study" are pedantic - regardless of what think tank/group of spoiled Ivy Leaguers accomplished it.

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Oh please, it wasn't anything Carville said.  Jesus freaking Christ, this is Robert Novak, he has been on TV shouting insults back and forth with other pundits for 20 years.  That isn't what bothered him. 


What got him to turn tail and run could have been the copy of "Who's Who" sitting right there on the desk during the exchange.  He was about to be asked to look up Valerie Plame's name in that book to prove the truth of his assertion with regard to where he got her maiden name, that he "could" have got it just by looking her or her husband up in "Who's who". 


Either that or the fact that a thick skinned, firey commentator who has spent decades trading insults with other talking heads suddenly just happened to storm off a show after a very low key jab is just a crazy coinkydink and has nothing to do with the fact that he is at the center of a growing criminal investigation, has made the assertion that he did about Who's Who, saw the book on the table and was told before the interview that he was going to be asked about his role in the Plame outing.



First of all.... not that you care,....or no that i care that you don't care...but i am just old school enough to find this kind of crap a bit offensive:


Jesus freaking Christ


secondly....after reading your post....you can't tell me it wouldn't have been sweet to see a cranky old, thick skinned, firey commentator drop a driver down on Carville. My goodness....this guy is the father of all Ass Clowns.

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Left out of the story is that Carville faked a swing to his nuts.  What do you do when someone takes a stab at yours?




Never happened - I saw it and in no way did Carville make any motion towards Novak.


The guy is either a thin-skinned baby (which I don't believe he is) or he was looking to exit before he was asked about Valerie Plame. Throwing a phontom hissy fit was his out - he looked stupid but not as stupid as he would have if he had to face the Plame questions.

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Never happened - I saw it and in no way did Carville make any motion towards Novak.


The guy is either a thin-skinned baby (which I don't believe he is) or he was looking to exit before he was asked about Valerie Plame. Throwing a phontom hissy fit was his out - he looked stupid but not as stupid as he would have if he had to face the Plame questions.



I haven't seen the footage. Only parroting what I heard this morning and didn't think these guys would make it up.


Anyone else think that there might be a stunt to improve ratings for such a dismal show?

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You'll forgive me for preferring scientists to environmentalists and the candidates they support who each derive huge dollar benefits from being in bed together.  I guess it's perfectly acceptable to ignore the big business/special interest component when it suites YOUR side of the argument (I don't even have a side in this argument - I think both sides of the aisle absolutely suck ass in protecting the environment).


I've been reading up on Cantor Fitzgerald's new "environmental credits" program and to be quite honest I believe that's going to do a hell of alot more for the environment in the long term than any of the panacea's that any Administration/enviromentalist wacko group is likely to accomplish.


The conclusions of that "study" are pedantic - regardless of what think tank/group of spoiled Ivy Leaguers accomplished it.


I thought the question was, what did Bill Clinton do for the environment? I am not sure a scientist in a lab is going to have a good grip on Clinton's policies, executive orders, speeches, etc, etc. with regard to he environment. The Sierra Club and other organizations who closely track these things, would have a pretty good handle on that kind of informaton. Whether or not his policies were effective, a good idea or whatever, is not the question I was addressing. The study I linked contains exhaustive information on what he did, what he tried to do and what he was not able to do with regard to the environment over the course of his whole Presidency. It is basically a list of achievments and failures. The information contained in the study as to the effect of those policies is a whole different issue.


What bothers me about credits is that it sounds like a free ride. We can solve pollution problems and it won't cost us a cent economically through the magic of credits. Besides, overall pollution in the country isn't what matters, pollution where people live is what matters. If you have unbreathable air in Chicago, I don't think it will do us much good to average their garbage with the lack of it in Death Valley and then conclude that the average pollution is acceptable. You can spread credits around but you can't spread the actual pollution, it lands where it is dumped. It just seems gimmicky to me.


Are you talking about Cantor Fitzgerald the bond traders? I thought you wanted to listen to scientists? Wouldn't Cantor be involved in and profiting from emissions credit trading? I can see why they love the idea of pollution credits.

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First of all.... not that you care,....or no that i care that you don't care...but i am just old school enough to find this kind of crap a bit offensive:

secondly....after reading your post....you can't tell me it wouldn't have been sweet to see a cranky old, thick skinned, firey commentator drop a driver down on Carville.  My goodness....this guy is the father of all Ass Clowns.


I'm sorry, nothing personal. I didn't mean to be politically incorrect or disrespectful. My faith carries no prohibition against such an utterance which, given the standards of the board, is neither obscene nor racist.


Since "libertard" and "Ass Clown" is perfectly acceptable around here, I don't see why "Jesus freaking Christ" would be a problem. Maybe these things aren't so yukkity yuk funny when it is your ox being gored, or in this case, disrespected. Maybe someone would explain to me why calling all liberals retarded or a reference to sodomy is not offensive but "Jesus freaking Christ" is? I'm in the mood for some inspiringly tortured sophistry today.

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